(image via answers)
We know Jason Calacanis; We've worked with Jason Calacanis; He's -- like us -- a Paper Magazine alum; what has been said of Jason Calacanis of late does not sound like Jason Calacanis. Valleywag's Rumormongerer spread something that really bowled me over. Valleywag wrote:
"Even for Jason Calacanis, this is opportunism taken to a dangerous extreme. The Weblogs Inc founder, now working with Sequoia Capital, the Sand Hill Road powerhouse, is said to be wooing Don Imus for a new web media network. (This is just a one-source rumor, but Calacanis is in Spain, and hasn't yet responded to email, so we're going with it.) The loudmouthed blog mogul has, we're hearing, been bragging to colleagues that he's about to sign the disgraced radio host."
Jason -- as people who know him know -- was a big fan of women's basketball (well, any basketball; he used to reward top performers at Silicon Alley Reporter with Nets tickets -- editorial disclosure: We've gotten a few in our day), and, in addition, Jason is a big enemy of bigotry in all its forms -- homophobia, racism, etc.
The story was, of course, false. Jason replied via the comments, "100% false."
"I've never listened to Imus, never spoken to Imus, and have no interest in being in business with the man.
"Really dude... come on."
So there you have it.
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