Media-Whore's D'Oevres
(image via
"ON the second week of international fashion shows, international fashion show parties and resulting international fashion show mornings after, it's ironically reassuring that we can always rely on
John Galliano to inject an element of disquiet into the proceedings to put us firmly back on the edge of our seats. Following a frantic dash through notoriously bad Paris traffic to the Église Saint-Sauveur in out-of-town Issy Les Moulineaux, the fashion pack were just settling into their seats yesterday as a model in combat trousers and flip-flops, bare-chested with a scarf and cap obscuring his face, took to the catwalk. It was the opening to the most provocative show we've seen yet; models wore neon camouflage prints, loose or padded jackets and combat-style vests with pockets and straps strung over bare chests. Exposed skin was daubed with army-style camouflage paint; faces were obscured with netting, helmets, foliage, traditional Middle-Eastern headdresses and fake beards" (
"In days, the calendar will turn to July, a month that will mark the eighth anniversary of the one decision that, it is only becoming more apparent, has defined the course of
George W. Bush’s presidency—including the invasion of Iraq. It was in July 2000 that Mr. Bush, then the Governor of Texas and the soon-to-be-nominated Republican presidential candidate, made his selection for a vice-presidential running-mate from two finalists:
Dick Cheney and
John Danforth. History will record that the suspense was mainly manufactured and that the skids had been quietly greased both for and by Mr. Cheney by Mr. Cheney, whom Mr. Bush had tabbed earlier in the year to oversee the selection process. But at the time, Mr. Cheney’s selection was a public surprise, one eagerly greeted by a pundit class that hailed the former Defense Secretary for providing 'gravitas' to a ticket led by the internationally virginal Mr. Bush. It may be difficult, then, to grasp how vastly different the Bush administration and the world it has sought to reshape, might now be if Mr. Bush had instead opted for Mr. Danforth, a former three-term Senator from Missouri who ultimately served for five months in 2004 as Mr. Bush’s U.N. ambassador. (
Tina Brown was celebrated and grilled by AARP Publications editor,
Hugh Delehanty, at an al fresco luncheon Wednesday at the Bel Air Hotel, organized by AARP The Magazine, the world’s largest circulation magazine targeted at the 50-and-over crowd ... Starting with the Pimm’s Cups served on the lawn, the 120 guests, which included
Emily Mortimer (in town shooting a new
David Mamet movie), writer
Fred Schruers,
Morgan Fairchild, In Style West Coast bureau chief
Glynis Costin and her photographer husband,
Art Streiber,
Steve Martin,
Angela Janklow, and a mix of movie and publishing types, enjoyed a round of served fish ‘n’ chips that were capped off by a witty repartee with the former Vanity Fair editor, who was introduced by
David Geffen, himself notorious for never wearing suits. 'One of my reasons for being here was to actually observe David Geffen wearing a tie,' laughed Brown" (
"Sources tell TMZ the Britney/K-Fed divorce is not over.We're told Federline will not sign the final property settlement agreement and is saying, before he does, he wants proof that
Britney can handle joint custody. But TMZ knows that Britney and K-Fed already have a 50-50 deal where each has the kids for half the time." (
Norman Pearlstine, the former editor-in-chief of Time Inc., who stepped down two years ago, was back inside the Time Warner Center on Wednesday for a party to celebrate publication of his book 'Off the Record: The Press, the Government, and the War over Anonymous Sources.' The book details the behind-the-scenes maneuvers and long-term legal aspects of the outing of former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson, and how journalists handled the information what was being dished to them. Special Prosecutor
Patrick Fitzgerald pressed reporters to disclose sources. Many cooperated out of the gate but Time magazine initially fought to protect its source ...
Matthew Cooper, the Time reporter at the center of the controversy, subsequently left the company to work in the Washington bureau of the new Condé Nast title Portfolio. But he was on hand for the bash. 'I haven't read my friend Norm's book but look forward to his account of why he delivered my notes to the federal prosecutor,' said Cooper." (
"The defeat of the immigration bill will boost the chances of a Democratic victory in 2008, giving
Hillary Clinton, the probable Democratic candidate, a strong advantage. Hispanic voters will undoubtedly blame the Republicans for the failure of the bill. In 2004, Bush made progress among Latino voters, coming within 10 points of Kerry among Hispanics, having lost them by 30 points to Gore four years before. But in 2006, Latinos voted Democratic by more than 40 points, according to exit polls, because of their anger at the harsh Republican immigration proposals. Now that the Republicans have defeated the immigration bill, they will very likely pay a steep price at the polls in 2008." (Dick Morris in
Lunch at Michael's (Wed): "George ('They're toasted!') Hamilton. Looking slightly less well done than we've seen him on
Dancing with the Stars and those clever Ritz crackers commercials, the ageless entertainer caused quite a stir among today's lunchtime set when he sauntered in with
Allen Grubman. Looking dapper in blue pinstripes, Hamilton chatted with lots of folks including actor Ron Livington and
Barbara Walters. Lunchtime chronicler
Diane Clehane caught up with Barbara on her way out to ask what she thought of
Larry King's decision to interview
Paris Hilton. 'I think it's fine,' she said. 'He should do it. I'm glad it's not me.'" (
"Lagging far behind Obama and Clinton financially,
Edwards reaps pick-me-up from jousting with Ann Coulter: $450,000 from 2,300 donors within 24 hours." (
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