(image via thesmokingun)
Correction: ABC News Did NOT Buy the Records
Politico is reporting-rumoring that ABC News, which prided itself for not paying for an interview with "The DC Madame," bought her phone records, which is essentially, it seems to us, paying for the interview. From TheBlotter:
"Alleged 'D.C. Madam' Deborah Jeane Palfrey has given an exclusive interview to ABC News.
"ABC News investigative correspondent Brian Ross recently interviewed Palfrey, who for over a decade operated what she terms an "erotic fantasy service" in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area, for an upcoming investigative report on "20/20" and on "The Blotter" on ABC News.com.
"Last October, federal prosecutors charged Palfrey with racketeering offenses in connection with the business, which she contends was a legal operation. From 1993 to August 2006, Palfrey ran a high-end escort service in the nation's capital, charging a flat fee for 90-minute "dates" with women between the ages of 23 and 55 whom she termed independent contractors.
"... Palfrey has claimed that her service's clients were 'upscale' and 'came from the more refined walks of life.' In March, she made headlines by briefly offering to sell the phone records of her company, Pamela Martin and Associates, to the highest bidder. She withdrew the offer after a federal judge ruled the government could confiscate any proceeds. Shortly thereafter, Palfrey consented to be interviewed by ABC.
"The network did not compensate Palfrey in any way for her interview or cooperation with Ross' 20/20 investigative report."
FishbowlDC confirms this report via the DC Madame's attorney. 2020 will be doing the report on May 4th, presumably doing something with the names involved. Granted, this blog is no virgin in this territoty of naming "Johns," but -- as an ethical consideration: Should ABC News, a venerable institution, have paid for these phone logs? Is Peter Jennings spinning in his grave?
More (TheBlotter)
DC Madame Take 3,284
"According to Deborah Jeane Palfrey's attorney, who has done one heckuva job keeping his client in the news, ABC News is the 'reputable' news org that received (not purchased) her phone records and the results will air on '20/20' on May 4."
thanks, anony
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