(link via PBS)
Fresh off of crashing and burning after failing to secure a position within the second Bush Administration, Newt Gingrich -- we like to call him "Gingy" -- appears to be gearing up for a quixotic 2008 run, according to TheHill:
"Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) will spend two days in New Hampshire next week to meet editorial boards and conservative activists, convincing several of his former House colleagues that he will run for the presidency in 2008.
"Gingrich will spend Monday and part of Tuesday in the Granite State and has packed his schedule with events calculated to boost his profile and woo influential Republicans whose support would be critical in a presidential primary. New Hampshire is the site of the first primary. Gingrich will attend a $50-per-person fundraiser for the New Hampshire Republican State Committee and meet a coalition of conservative activists. He has also scheduled meetings with the Concord Monitor, Union Leader and Valley News and an appearance on New England Cable News, said Rick Tyler, his spokesman.
"The former Speaker will also visit the Dartmouth College Republicans and participate in two signing sessions for his new book, Winning the Future. High-toned books are classic markers of a politician?s blossoming presidential ambitions."
More here.
Sorry, Newtie, your time was 1996. That was your year. The stars converged in your favor. You could have beat Dole for the nomination, baby. Now, you are yesterday's headlines, sad but true. Unless you happen to change your name to Frist, McCain or Tancredo (America First), you do not stand a chance at the Republican nomination.
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