Above: "Goosepimples"?! (image via bitboard)
In: JLo's "Goosepimples." According to the AP, JLo had a close call:
"Lopez says she was almost involved in an accident when a car went 'screeeech' right in front of her vehicle. 'It was the paparazzi trying to beat the light on the same turn with us,' she said.
"'Sometimes they feel like it's a game; like they're playing cops and robbers,' Lopez told reporters, according to AP Radio. 'I got goosepimples.'"
Were the the "goosepimples" on JLo's chest? Because they might not be goosepimples, they might be ... oh, we just won't go down that route.
Out: Horsemeat. Granted, cuisine customs are relative. My grandfather in Uganda -- bless his soul -- believes the munching of fish to be a jejune activity. Americans eschew making a meal of Man's Best Friend, while, if the urban legends or tales of economic hardship are to be believed, the citizens of many tyrannies (see Oedipus Rex) have resorted to devouring "Rex." But we draw the line at horsemeat, the Belgian treat (they call it "cheval"). Thems can't be tender eats; a thoroughbred cannot go down well with peasant bread. The Page Sixxies report:
"THOUGH the word was that Karl Lagerfeld lost 90 pounds on a diet of horse meat, tomatoes and Diet Coke, the book detailing his methods lists myriad unappetizing concoctions such as tuna and blackberry mousse and calf's liver with wild strawberries."
Neeeeighghhhh ... we say.
In: Blogging Panels. Jay Rosen (link via Romenesko) finds blogging panels -- as they are presently construed -- to be banal. He wants a new crop to discuss the issue. Enter: The Corsair. Next week, The Corsair will leave the rarified air of the blogosphere to do a Mediabistro panel on Journalism and blogging.
Nervous? Hell, yes. You know how The Corsair is like with these things. We'd rather go to our bar in Hells Kitchen and drink with the guys and watch the Yankees. As the event draws near you can expect my anxieties to be well aired here at Wagnerian length and pitch. Why, then? Why put yourself through the aggravation, and risk a possible Midtown-street-fight with fellow panelist, the good Lockhart Steele center stage?
Because we cannot say no to Elizabeth Spiers. Darn that woman and her persuasive, womanly ways. Grr.
Out: The Farkases. Our favorite Social Chronicler David Patrick Columbia has the scoop on why department store heir Jonathan Farkas attended the Literacy Partners Gala kick-off party with Nancy Moonves, the former wife of Leslie Moonves (5th item):
"Here is the story, short and succinct: the couple separated quietly but publicly. Both camps tell a different story as to the cause. However, they have been divorced for some time, unknown to the public, as they continued their relationship as 'Mr. and Mrs.' fulfilling their roles to each other as promised. For one of them, that became 'not enough.' They are now known again as Miss Somers White and Mr. Jonathan Farkas."
So, now you know.
(image via TheAge) Above: Hugh and Jemima jet setting. Grannie-panties not included.
In: Hugh Grant Likes Big Bloomers. This may be too much information about Hugh Grant, but just before heading to the South of France with Jemima Khan, according to the 3AM Girls:
"FORGET sexy g-strings, girls, when Hugh Grant goes shopping for ladies' undies he's more likely to return home with Bridget Jones-style bloomers.
"The star, 44, is a regular at upmarket sex toy and lingerie emporium Myla in West London.'Each time he makes it clear he doesn't want anything lacy or colourful,' says a source.
"'He didn't want g-strings ... They had to be Bridget Jones-style big pants, like mini-boxer shorts.
"'Whether he likes his girlfriend, Jemima Khan, to wear them or whether she asked him to get them for her, he didn't say."
And then he bought a love palace. And Keira Knightley still loves him.
Above: Future Pulitzer Award winning Journalist Anna Nicole Smith adjusts her implants.
(image via photos1.blogger)
Out: Anna Nicole Smith: Auteur. Everybody's favorite busty train wreck, Anna Nicole Smith is the new columnist for National Enquirer:
"Hi everybody. It's Anna Nicole. Welcome to my weekly column for the all new National Enquirer. A couple months ago my lawyer was called by the paper's new editor, who wanted to talk to me about writing something. Was he kidding? The National Enquirer? Don't they always write bad stuff about me? I said no, but, like always, my lawyer wouldn't shut up. He said they wanted a celebrity who would speak their mind, tell it how it really is in the showbiz world. And they'd let me write whatever I want -- as long as it was from the heart. I could talk to my fans and those people who think I'm just a dumb blonde. I started to like the idea. But, me, with my own column? Nobody would believe I could do it. Everybody knows I'm not a writer. I can't even spell. But so what? I can talk. Someone else can type the words."
Sweeeet. (Averted Gaze)
In: Tina Fey, Beautiful. The Corsair just got around to watching the Tivo of Saturday's SNL where Tina Fey mocked an old yearbook photo (digitally altered) that was widely distributed on the net a while back. The Corsair made stupid comment about Tina Fey's adolescent looks on stereogum, and I feel bad about it. It takes a lot of guts to do what she did. Tina Fey was beautiful, is beautiful and will always be beautiful. And a comedic genius.
Somers White Farkas,has to be the only living skeleton,walking around with a humpty dumpty
For my part every person may read this.
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