Every day is a new trailer trash moment for Britney Spears, that little pop tart just tugs our democratic experiment that much closer to the hitting the lowest common denominator, but even The Corsair, jaded blogger that he is, who has seen all forms of gossip, from Scarlett Johanson having "sexual activity" with the elderly Benicio Del Toro on Oscar night, to Christian Slater wearing a Nixon mask to a British strip club to hide highly contagious chicken pox (Chicken pox lapdance, anyone?), but even The Corsair was alarmed to see Britney's "wedding night" panties on sale on eBay, and for only $40!
How far the mighty have fallen. The grisly scene is described thusly:
"Up for auction is the pair of boyshorts that Britney Spears was wearing on the night she was married. This is an absolutely adorable white pair. Britney wore these to the house where her wedding took place, and then later changed when she put on her wedding dress. I was lucky enough to be working at the wedding and I got to take home some amazing Britney memorabilia. This is 100% guaranteed authentic. This item was personally worn by Britney Spears. I will also include a copy of the staff pass I was given to enter the house that night, as proof that this item is genuine and that I was there that night."
Charmed, I'm sure.
Says UK-Flava, weighing in:
"The lacey white shorts and white bra were taken by a catering assistant at the singer's wedding two weeks ago.The seller claims to have a staff pass to prove identity reports The Sun.
"Dozens of items from the wedding like invites, goody bags and a red rose are all up for auction on the website."
The Corsair is holding out for a souvenir chicken finger. If you love this blog, you will buy me an authentic Britney Wedding Chicken Finger.
Ed Update: The starting bid was 99 cents -- a correct market evaluation of Britney's undergarments -- but is now up to $43.
Ed Update 2: Apparently Britney's people took down the eBay post, so I took down the VH1 BWE piece. Look at all the trouble a little blog entry can make.
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