It's all fun and games in XTinaworld. According to FemaleFirst:
"Christina Aguilera has revealed how fiance Jordan Bratman sent her on a scavenger hunt before he proposed to her.
"The 'Dirrty' singer was told by her music executive lover to look for a series of clues, which lead to her discovering he had bought her an engagement ring.
"The love mission happened after a romantic dinner Jordan had organised for Christina. She told America's Us Weekly magazine: 'He sent me on a scavenger hunt. The kind of treasure hunts my mom used to send me on when I was a kid.
"'It was unbelievable. Every cute thing he did, I totally thought was just a Valentine's Day surprise - he got me!'"
That's right XTina, you got Punk'd! Can you just imagine how that little scenario of scavenger fun and games unfolded? Hmm:
Jordan Bratman: (After dinner) Happy Valentines Day, honey. I've got a surprise! You know how you used to tell me how your mom used to send you on treasure hunts and stuff?
XTina: Yeah, only there was never any treasure. And when I went to tell mom and dad the bedroom door was locked and they were making funny noises.
Jordan Bratman: (A considerable pause) Uhm, yeah. Well. I've hidden booty.
XTina: No you haven't. You're booty's right here, honey (slaps Jordan Bratman on the ass).
Jordan Bratman: Yi! -- No, I mean buried treasure! No lying!
XTina: Oh, Jordan, you're so smart. You're my nigga. That's why you're the executive and I'm a singer. We make a great pair. I sing and you ... you ... executate! That's what you do, honey, isn't it.
Jordan Bratman: Uhm, okay. Let's start scavenging. Take a step to your right.
XTine: Okay.
Jordan Bratman: You're other right, XTina. (sighs)
And so on.
1 comment:
For my part every person ought to go through it.
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