The Corsair's inaugural column is on newsstands now in Razor Magazine. The one with the incredibly hott pictures of Shannon Elizabeth. My subject is "The Passion of Mike Tyson." Here's a taste:
"All manner of pop cultural wildlife grazes in the media tall grass nowadays, but to inaugurate this Razor Magazine column, The Corsair has elected to begin by hunting down the truly big game (The Corsair grabs his compact binoculars and rhetorical crossbow),namely, that coiled panther of in-ring violence: MikeTyson. And, we might add, we?re feeling kinda punchy(The Corsair swings wildly). The game?s afoot (antique French hunting horns blast), readers, let the chips fall where they may!"
Anyway, that's the energy The Corsair is bringing to this enterprise. Check it out.
Thank you, Ali, beautiful Blog Muse. :-)
So deserved! Great to see they're letting you keep your voice!
Yes. Yes. Well-deserved. I, too, hope they let you keep your voice/stylee. Cheers!
This is great news. Congratulations.
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