(image via hdbeat.com)
Post FreyGate, the XM radio deal and the Dave Chappelle interview, Oprah is hott once again (although it could be argued Oprah never stopped being hott). Interestingly enough, Jon Stewart and Roger Ebert were on simultaneoulsy during Howard Stern's satellite show this morning. Somehow the conversation veered from safe Oscar talk and onto Ebert's onetime date with the Queen of All Media. This from Marksfriggin:
"Howard had the guys bring in Roger Ebert while Jon (Stewart) was still there. He figured since he's into the movies and Jon is hosting the Oscars, he'd have him in. Roger made some comments about the movies that Jon has appeared in and how bad they were.
"Howard asked Roger what he thinks about Jon being the host of the Oscars. Roger said he's looking forward to it because ti will be a nice change. He said that he thought Chris Rock was going to be good last year but he may need another chance. Roger said that he likes Jon and actually bought a TiVo just so he could record his show ... Roger seems to think that Jon is great at what he does on The Daily Show because he's so natural doing that. He's not that great when it comes to acting though.
"Howard brought up the fact that Roger dated Oprah Winfrey one time. Roger said that nothing romantic happened on the date. He said they went to a movie and out for a burger.
"... Howard asked Roger if he's still friends with Oprah. He said he is and was at her 50th birthday party. He said that he spoke to a bunch of stars at the party and had some fun doing that. He said that Ivan Reitman told him that the tent they were in cost about $2 million to rent. After hearing about that Howard said that maybe he should stop dissing her and become her friend."
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