Cash moves everything around him "Cream" get the money, dollardollarbill, Vern. (image via afronetizen)
Although Vernon Jordan's Dark Oath of Fealty to The Establishment of the Democratic Party was never really in doubt (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment), there were some hushed mentionings of "Some-Obama-Drama," especially considering he has raised money for the charismatic Senator in the past. In the end, though, Jordan knows which side his very rich bread is buttered. Better to go with a "Nearly Sure Thing," and accrue the proper perks, than to latch on to the "Next Big Thing," and lose the wealth that Jordan has spent a whole lifetime hording at the low cost of only his Soul (Averted Gaze; Dismissive wave). According to our favorite Dickensian villain, Robert Novak:
"Investment banker Vernon Jordan, one of Bill Clinton's closest friends and advisers, is sticking with Sen. Hillary Clinton for president rather than join fellow African-Americans in support of Sen. Barack Obama.
"'I stay with my friends,' said Jordan, a former head of the National Urban League who is now a partner at New York-based Lazard Freres. This column last week reported that Washington lawyer Greg Craig, a defense counsel for President Clinton in the impeachment trial who is backing Obama for president, met the Illinois senator in Jordan's home.
"Jordan said he had hosted a fund-raiser only for Obama's Senate campaign. He said he had not raised money for Obama's presidential effort, 'and I will not.'"
Verne Jordan, supine (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). Novak also notes that Bill Richardson -- one of the most qualified men to ever run for President -- is running strong in New Hampshire, and may be ready to break out of the second tier. It is about fucking time, yo.
More vintage Novak (Townhall)
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