Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Rick Rubin's Big Ole Crate O' Porn

Music-industry genius Rick Rubin marches to the beat of a different drummer. Some people pass along a bottle of fine wine to their friends. Others break their buddies off some sports tickets, or, for the more cerebral, a novel. But not Rick Rubin, oh no. Impresario Rick Rubin breaks his buddies off a spiece of Ass. On the Howard Stern Show today, Chris Rock explained how Rubin broke him off a piece of Ass. From Marksfriggin:

"Howard asked Chris how much porn he's got in his house. He said he really doesn't keep it in his house because it's so easy to rent that stuff. Gary said they could give him a box of stuff if he wanted it. Chris told a story about Rick Rubin giving him a crate full of porn one time and how pissed off he got after not leaving his house for four days watching porn. He said he passed that crate along to Mario Joyner and he called him up 4 days later angry that he had given him a crate full of porn."

Mario Joyner doesn't really strike us as the type who would be into heterosexual porn -- just our opinion, though. We could be wrong. More:

"Howard talked to Chris about Eddie Murphy knocking up Scary Spice and wondered what he thought about that. Chris said it's fine as long as you're not married. Howard took a call from the guys in the back who had some James Brown audio clips. They had James telling Chris how great he was. That led to Chris talking about how he had worked with James Brown on Miami Vice about 20 years ago and how much fun that guy was. He said he had a guy who combed his hair for him. He said one day he had James grab his hair and tell him to put vinegar in his hair and turn it. He had no idea what that meant."

Extraordinarily Old School, that vinegar in the hair and ... "turn it"?

"(to everything Turn, Turn Turn)"

"Howard said that James Brown had people around him who had to call him 'Mr. Brown' all the time."

BTW, we cannot fail to note that our pal Musto informs us that James Brown is leaving 17 percent of his estate to Miss. Hynie.

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