Above: Little Rudy Huxtable ... aint so little any more. And it kind of disturbs us.
Originally published March 2004, with some modifications:
There is a subject that is troubling me mightily. (The Corsair takes a drink from a glass of Fiji water) Rudy from the Cosby Show. You know her -- little kid, jammies, the youngest one, mild ... adorable.
To be frank, The Corsair cannot think of Keisha Knight Pulliam as "sexy" (Eew), he simply cannot . Intellectually, The Corsair can grasp the idea, he can wrap himself around the concept, but The Corsair saw her as a cute baby, so he just can't. He just can't. Keisha Knight Pulliam is not sexy:

Oh dear sweet reader, but she is. She is (The Corsair dramatically lunges for the curtains, wailing)! Keisha Knight Pulliam has flowered into "the hottness." And it's making me feel really evil.
Anyhoo: Keisha Knight Pulliam in XXL:
"XXL: And in 'One Call Away' you're up there in a cute little bra ...
"Keisha: They knew that I wasn't going to do anything that wasn't tasteful. The video is not demeaning, or I wouldn't have done it. Yes, you do see me in a bra and people are very shocked by that because they're remembering me as a 10 year old girl. What's appropriate for someone who is 25 is not appropriate for someone who is 10. This isn't Rudy in a bra. It's Keisha Knight-Pulliam, the actress."
The Corsair still feels guilty. He imagines Rudy, nestled in the arms of Phylicia Rashaad. The Corsair is so confused. Here's the basseyworld blog to sum up my feelings:
"Rudy Huxtable grew into a beautiful woman. I was worried there during the end of the Cosby Show. But since I went through awkward middle years myself, I knew shed grow out of it ... I have to say, I dont enjoy seeing Rudy Huxtable in a bra and panties. It's just not right."
No, it's not ... but ... cannot take eyes off ... picture. Someone please kill me.
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yup, that's Rudy. If I don't get the chance, Case -- Happy Thanksgiving. Mwah!
Thanks Ron, you too...I'm going to email you the new link to my site (not sure if I already did...).
<3 Case
Rudy looks very good. What is strange is calling that woman in the photo Rudy. I suggest KNP, or the hotness, as you suggest.
I was struggling with the same feelings everytime I saw that video. It just isn't right.
Rubber Duckie
I was struggling with the same feelings everytime I saw that video. It just isn't right.
Rubber Duckie
I'm so conflicted. I saw her adult teeth grow in. But she looks so hott. Someone please kill me.
Don't worry, if you run into Denise's stepdaughter Olivia you will definitely be able to say she is not sexy. And mean it.
That's so Raven. I'll work on the High Feather for the PBS-fed latchkey kids of the 70s.
I need a "Get Out Of JAIL Free" card! L.I.F.E. is not fair.
BE 4 Real!! Get over it. Rudy was a character on a show...get it a show which means the shit anit real. People grow up. And her name is not rudy that was a character!!And obviously the now young lady is sexy!
BE 4 Real!! Get over it. Rudy was a character on a show...get it a show which means the shit anit real. People grow up. And her name is not rudy that was a character!!And obviously the now young lady is sexy!
Get over it, she's older and she's not Rudy...she's Keisha...and thats what actresses in their 20s do. It sells and she looks great doing it! Good for you girl!
Rudy is a character in a TV show and Keisha is an actress, so get over her being grown-up people.
Rudy is a character in a TV show and Keisha is an actress, so get over her being grown-up people.
google is awesome dude
i like to touch my bones!!! yes i do! hehe!
*pardon for my random moments*
i like to peel my skin off and eat it! Its delicious dude! Yes it is!
Ok! Look down!
* Sorry for making you scroll down. Heehehehehe*
do you like ron, casey? or rubber duckie? its just a question! no need to get your thongs in a bunch!!!!! scroll down for my answer!! hehe!!
*HECK NO!!!!!!! sry if i hurt your feelings ron but EW!*
Duck duck goose, EMU!!!
insider, youre out of the box!!
hey dude. Keisha is like soooo totally hot now and like i love that video dude. It was like soooo awesome. Anyway, like i like to touch my bones and i like to peel my skin off and eat it too. Its like delicious. La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la!!!
Im bored.ok scroll down.
I dont know why i made you scroll down all the way but i just like felt like it. I love rubber ducky!!!!!
Ron, can you make those ppl who keep making me scroll down stop??!! its really annoying but i have a disease that when someone tells me to do something i have to do it!!! it really sucks yeah i know!! but please make them stop!!!
Thank You <3
Dear Person who told ron to make us stop, we will never stop okay!! we have freedom of speech, or typing, w/e you wanna call it!! OKAY!!!
Now scroll down!! haha
Scroll down summore!!
Dont Click Here
i hope that thing works!!i had to do that just for you and if that link worked, CLICK IT!! haha, i bet ya hate me now!
Hi, I ran your comments re: Keisha Knight-Pulliam. I am a female, she is my sorority sister, and I am lesbian, and she is FINE! I wished that she was bisexual or lesbian or something because ever since she got back into the acting thing after 2001, I really have fallen in love with her. Yes, it may be sick to some, but it is the truth. If all of you on here cannot see that, then something is wrong with you.
to the girl about the vile comment about wanting her to be a lesbian is not only inappropriate, but gross and an embarassement on OUR ENTIRE SORORITY! I too am a soror and even if did harbor such grotesque feelings, I would not put our sorority out there like that. You are an imbicile and actually most of the people in the sorority think KEISHA is too! so keep your vile comments about whatever to yourself!
Actually, many Delta's are not as happy as one may think about having her as a soror. Delta's are women of class and beauty. They don't go around dressing like women of the evening and dibble and dabbling in recreational drugs, which Ms. Pulliam is very well known for doing with other Spelman girls (the same ones that are promoted as women of such high pedigree, yet when you get down to it, are just the same as the drug addict on your corner). We hope she gets help, but please keep the fact that you are a Delta to yourself, we are very embarrased to even be assoicated with you.
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