(image via images.art.westwing)
No surprise here, just sadness and the spraying of hot tears; truly intelligent works don't do so well in our pop-culture. We can only be proud that they have a chance, however brief, to flourish. The best written show on television -- possibly in television history -- was cancelled on Sunday. And -- we don't feel too good ourselves. Says Breitbart (link via drudgiepoo):
"The new president on 'The West Wing' will be a real short-timer: NBC announced Sunday it was pulling the plug on the Emmy-winning political drama after seven seasons in May.
"NBC, struggling to regain its footing after the worst season in its history, also outlined several midseason schedule changes _ including the moves of popular dramas 'Law & Order' and 'Las Vegas.'
"'The West Wing' announcement wasn't much of a surprise. Although this season's story line with a presidential campaign involving a Democrat played by Jimmy Smits and Republican portrayed by Alan Alda has been strong critically, ratings have sunk with its move to Sunday nights.
"The decision to cancel it was made before actor John Spencer, who played former presidential chief of staff Leo McGarry, died of a heart attack Dec. 16, said Kevin Reilly, NBC entertainment president.
"'There's a point when you look at the ratings and say, it feels like it's time,' Reilly said.
"The series finale will be May 14, preceded by a one-hour retrospective. The campaign to replace the fictional Josiah Bartlet as president will be settled, NBC said."
Now, we suppose, Larence O'Donnell, the Exec Producer, can, in earnest, plot Warren Beatty's campaign to unseat Governor Shwarzenegger with brio.
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