Immortal be-drugged. (image via chinadaily)
Johnny Depp's leathery role model for "Pirates" is conscious again. But then ... "consciousness" is a relative and therefore somewhat nebulous term to Keith Richards (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). Although he fell from a tree in Fiji (Fuck if we know either), you can bet by the time he hit the ground, Richards was already in his own private Idaho. Embalmed and pickled Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards likes to get his groove on. And, of course, he -- and the roaches -- will outlive us all, so leave him to his own devices.According to the 3AMGirls. :
"KEITH Richards spoke for the first time since his brain op yesterday - and rock's oldest rebel joked that he'd enjoyed the effects of being under anaesthetic.
"Keef fell from a tree in Fiji six weeks ago, which led to major surgery to remove blood and fluid from his brain.
"But the 62-year-old rocker insisted that far from being scared of going under the knife, he was more annoyed about being woken up after the op because he was feeling rolling stoned.
"Speaking on the eve of the band's comeback gig in Italy tonight, he told us with a wink: 'I was p***ed off when they woke me up. I was enjoying myself!'"
Charmed, I'm sure.
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