Madonna's "Office Gal" photo shoot for Versace (see above) by Mario Testino is finally over, after a list of demands including, according to theSun, large bottles of Kabbalah water, fresh yellow and white flowers and a series of drinks at specific temperatures among other things.

Still, it could possibly compete with 50 Cent's Tour Rider, which contained, among other items, "soft toilet paper, creamy peanut butter, one jar of grape jelly, 'butter and marg,' sliced cheese tray with four cheeses (onions, pickles lettuce in separate containers), pasta and tuna salad with a minimum of three dressings ...(and) 'coldslaw' (sic)"
Anyhoo: According to British Vogue:
"ASK most people to describe Madonna' and you're unlikely to be offered 'typical working woman'. But that's how Brana Wolf styled her, for the latest Versace ad campaign, shot by Mario Testino. Although the stunning images of the Material Girl office-bound remind us of no working environment we've ever seen, we wouldn't have it any other way.
"Seen lounging on her office daybed (every office should have one) in classic Versace print shirt and jeans, perhaps deigning to lick the occasional stamp, this is office life Versace style. The fashion giant will spend $20 million on its ad campaign this year, a sizeable chunk of which will be headed Madonna's way. But, according to Donatella Versace, she's worth it: 'She�s an icon. She's an innovator, a groundbreaker and she's the best in her field. She relates to women of all ages. She's got extraordinary personal style and has been a friend of mine and the house for many years.'"
Correction: According to Jeannette Walls at TheScoop, our MadonnaEsther Renews Vows story, which we got from Hello!Magazine veered astray of the mark, apologies:
"Don�t buy Madonna a toaster oven quite yet.
"The singer renewed her wedding vows with hubby Guy Ritchie on their fourth wedding anniversary, according to international reports. The stories described in detail how the couples exchanged rings in a romantic Kabbalah ceremony. Only problem is, it never happened, according to people close to Madonna.
�'No truth to it at all,' a colleague of Madonna�s tells The Scoop. 'There were no rings, no ceremony.'
"Madonna�s spokeswoman also told The Scoop that there were no renewed vows. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie spent their 4th wedding anniversary with 16 close friends at their country home outside of London.'"
So, no, "the disgusting voodoo" wasnt involved.
Addition: Donna Versace is auctioning off her possessions a la Jackie O. The Freak!
1 comment:
This will not work as a matter of fact, that is what I believe.
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