Most arrogant, perhaps; most smarmy, quite possibly, but we don't know about Most Beautiful when we think of George Clooney (The Corsair practices complicated T'ai Chi movements in tune with Handel's magisterial Water Music). Then again, we don't usually go around judging men's looks, although we do think, generally, men should not shirk the issue.

George Clooney a bit of an ass, we must say, with more than a touch of the bitch about him (And, no, we are not pimpslapping his aunt, Rosemary Clooney, okay, maybe a little; nor are we slamming his performance as the show's "80s nice guy" on Facts of Life). He dropped blogging as soon as his man Kerry lost the race (a considerable pause)
There is something -- oh, The Corsair doesn't know -- off about the man. One can always tell when a man listens to too much Sinatra, just as one can always tell when an actor has watched too many Brando movies. The excess Sinatra rubs off of his persona, and they end up like Clooney, simulacrums of Sinatra, or, SoS, parodies strutting around the Big Screen. Sinatra had an original charm -- New Jersey Italian performer, a red meat loving legitimate tough guy who took up boxing as a young man, and, most important, add a dash of gentleman to the mix; Clooney, imitating The Maestro, comes off as a fool in trying to co-opt that chic, so particular to a golden age, the 50s, that has passed away forever.
Now, SoS Clooney goes on and on in interviews about his villa on Lake Como. "Everyone should own a Villa on Lake Como," he said, rather smarmily, to Tina Brown on Tpoic A last year.
So it goes without saying that it came as a surprise to The Corsair that according to a "scientific poll" conducted with 700 visitors of Madame Tussaud's Museum in the UK -- so you know it must be legitimate and accurate -- that George Clooney is indeed the most beautiful man in the world, and Julia Roberts the most beautiful woman.

(Averted Gaze) Kind of pedestrian, if you ask me ... ThisisLondon writes:
"Actors George Clooney and Julia Roberts have been voted the most beautiful people on the planet.
"New mother Roberts comes top of the women's list above Hollywood beauty Angelina Jolie and ex-Friends star Jennifer Aniston in third place.
"Clooney eclipses his Ocean's Twelve co-star Brad Pitt into second place and David Beckham third."
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