Friday, August 31, 2007

Jade Jagger is Exhuberant

(image via earthlink)

Jade Jagger is an earthy, exhuberant woman brimming with nougaty yum. Just ask Pharrell (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). Jade may have inherited her "exhuberance" from her Poppa, who was a Rolling Stone on his off-hours of uniquely contributing to the startling increase in South American bastardy (Averted Gaze).

Of Mick Jagger, Janice Dickinson wrote in her autobiography/fuck-connaitre a la temps perdu, "No Lifeguard on Duty":"The man was indefatigable ... He was pure energy -- kind of spooky, to tell you the truth. I woke up the next morning feeling like I'd been through a war." That sounds like Pharrell on Jade, who, in her exhuberance, doesn't worry about things like money (And, considering what she is in line of inheriting, Why Should She?).

From the 3 AM Girls:

"Jade Jagger got carried away by the Kaiser Chiefs at Ibiza Rocks.

"She was leaping about so wildly that several 100 euro notes flew out of her handbag. Our spy tells us: 'It caused a scramble but she got most of them back.'"

"Leaping wildly." Curious question: Are energy levels inheritable? And, ancillary to that: Do rock stars have abnormal amounts of energy?
Media-Whore's D'Oevres

(image via papermag)

"The mentally disabled artists created the most amazing fashion illustrations from the fall collections (from the catwalks). I'm already getting phone calls from the designers themselves who want to purchase the drawings. Trust me on this one folks. It's special.(check out the drawing they did of the fabulous Dolce Gabanna gown above!)" (Papermag)

"The 80-year-old Mr. Warner, first elected to the Senate in 1978, kept his decision closely held Thursday, and aides insisted that speculation about a retirement was just that — speculation. But the senator, who has been weighing his plans for months, talked openly on the NBC News television program 'Meet the Press' last weekend about the prospect of continuing in so demanding a job into his late 80s. 'The Senate requires you to go full bore, six or seven days a week, tremendous energy, go to Iraq, jump in and out of helicopters, get on the cargo planes, no sleep,' he said. 'And I’ve got to assess, at this age, whether it is fair to Virginia to ask for a contract for another six years.'" (NYTimes)

"We've seen two waves of model nationalism in the last five years: first, the Brazilian glamazons, led by Gisele, and then alien-eyed waifs from the Eastern Bloc, led by Sasha Pivovarova. But the runways this Fashion Week are going to look less like the U.N. and more like high school." (NewYorkMag)

"(P)hotographers are still being blamed for car accidents caused by drug use. But some things have changed since Princess Diana died. While William still stands to inherit the throne, Harry has emerged as the new hot prince ...Harry might not have the best judgment (going to a costume party as a Nazi, enlisting in the army) but he’s looking better and better every day." (Jossip)

"Bhutto is urging Musharraf to step down as military chief and drop corruption charges so she can come home and compete in parliamentary elections due by January. In return, the U.S.-allied Musharraf gets to stay on for another five years as a powerful civilian president. But joining hands with the unpopular general could cost the liberal opposition leader support and turn her audacious bid to win a third term as prime minister into a political suicide." (Time)

"Fashion Week is to editors what Spring Break is to drunken sluts. It's where we all get to see each other, catch up and work our pussies!" (Papermag)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Corsair Classic

Bjork, delivering a "slam jammie." (via (radaronline)

Reason #7,855 why we love Bjork: She can flip-the-script at a moment's notice. Entirely unpredictable, she. At barely 5 feet, she sees nothing wrong with cuffing people twice her size upside the head with a well-placed right cross. To wit: Wearing what can only be properly construed as a swan-getup to the high-fashion clusterfuck of the year. So Genius. And she couldn't care less.
Corsair Classic

Media-Whore's D'Oevres

Where's Our Invite? "Alek Wek and Diane von Furstenberg are going to be spending a lot of time together during Fashion Week. The Sudanese supermodel, not to mention bag designer, M.A.C. face, and author, asked the designer and CFDA president to join Iman in hosting the launch party on September 4 at Socialista for Alek: From Sudanese Refugee to International Supermodel, sponsored by The Wall Street Journal, which has, of late, been particularly keen on associating itself with the fashion community." (Fashionweekdaily)

"It's Friday night, and the ticket-holder line stretches around the block. Latecomers can forget it; the 8 p.m. show is sold out. The lobby's abuzz, as vintage-clad hipsters, film students, and cineastes just off their day jobs rush to buy organic popcorn, Jacques Torres chocolate bars, and David Lynch's 'Signature Cup' espresso before the show. It's a familiar scene at Manhattan's art-house theaters. But this snapshot of exuberant cine-mania belies gloomier truths about the current state of New York's art-house marketplace." (AnthonyKauffman)

"Yesterday I was invited to Opening Ceremony to check out the new Chloë Sevigny collection which I am curious to see. She is actually doing the collection in collaboration with the great store. The logo is really cute (see above) and I think this could be really good, considering Chloë's great sense of style. I'll let you know after I see it on September 10th!" (KimHastreiter)
Will Senator Warner Retire?

On Tim Russert's "Meet The Press," Senator John Warner was downright fiesty. Overflowing with sauciness. Free, even, with the counsel he -- and other members of his generation -- usually wear close to his vest. Warner appears to be resolved in his thinking -- he seems to have come to some conclusion, some space of closure -- which suggests, sadly, that he will retire in the near future. Warner is the last of a dying breed of Senator, the Gary Harts, the Paul Simons, the Daniel Patrick Moynihans, the Sam Hayakawas, the Warren Rudmans, -- those Men of Olde. Moderate; intellectual; sober; historical-minded; pragmatic with just a touch of youthful idealism; and, above all, Wise. With the possible exception of Joe Biden -- who wasn't really a peer of those guys, although he served in tandem with them -- there is no one of the old, noble Senate Centrists left.

And that, dear reader, is a very sad thing.

We live in an age of partisans, hacks and extremists. In the present scenario, it is any wonder if anyone will even mourn the Senate career of one such as Warner, who magnificently smashed that low-grade piece of ass Ollie North and extinguished his budding political career. God Bless America! And when Warner called Rummy a "millstone around the President's neck" he spoke for all of us, and the Navy, to whom he was always loyal. From Politico:

"Sen. John Warner (R-Va.), long one of the leading Republican voices on foreign affairs, will answer one of the key questions looming over the battle for control of the Senate in 2008 when he announces his reelection plans Friday afternoon on the north steps of the University of Virginia’s famed Rotunda.

"Virginia and national political officials have been waiting with anticipation for Warner’s decision, which could give Democrats a tempting pickup target should Warner choose to retire. But aides say Warner, who is 80 years old, hasn’t revealed his decision to anyone but his family.

“'Charlottesville is an important place to him. It’s a place where he’s spent serious amounts of time whenever he’s made announcements of importance,' said Warner’s chief of staff Carter Cornick."

Warner has nothing else to prove. If he took on another run -- unlikely -- Warner would commit himself to serving until he was 87. And we're pretty sure he'd rather be riding horses and hanging with his grankids and enjoying his last, Golden years. And he's earned that, at least, for service to his country.
Media-Whore D'Oevres

(image via huffingtonpost)

"Media Matters received the following statement from Tucker Carlson by email from an MSNBC spokeswoman: Let me be clear about an incident I referred to on MSNBC last night: In the mid-1980s, while I was a high school student, a man physically grabbed me in a men's room in Washington, DC. I yelled, pulled away from him and ran out of the room." (MediaMatters via Gaweker)

"AN 'extremely uncoordinated' Mischa Barton dancing at the Hamptons Social @ Ross Tom Petty concert on the East End ..." (PageSix)

"Naomi Campbell has hit on a great new way to get rid of unwanted blokes trying to chat her up.The Streatham-born supermodel sparked rumours of her own engagement when a hunky chap made a move on her at a dinner at the Dorchester Hotel in honour of Nelson Mandela. A guest said:'Naomi had a ring on her wedding finger and when someone tried to chat her up she waggled it at him and said, 'Uh-uh'. He was gobsmacked. But a spokesman for Naomi, 37, denied she is getting hitched, and said: 'It was a joke. Naomi's not engaged. It's her dad's ring.'"

"ONE day after Alberto Gonzales submitted his resignation as attorney general, White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten was on the phone Saturday feeling out who might be available as a replacement. That Bolten had a short list in hand indicates that even if President Bush had been ready to ride out his term with his dear friend, senior aides were eager to staunch the political bleeding ...I met Gonzales for the first time in 2001 when I went to the White House for a background briefing on the new president's judicial nominations by presidential counsel Gonzales. I was stunned by the incoherence of the briefer. After checking with several Republican senators, I received the same verdict. Their judgment was that Gonzales was not qualified for a senior government position." (Novak)

"Several Republican lawmakers called on Sen. Larry Craig to resign yesterday, including John McCain. 'My opinion is that when you plead guilty to a crime, you shouldn't serve,' McCain said. As the New York Times' David Stout reports reports, the calls for his resignation came amid the Senate GOP leadership stripped Craig of his committee posts. Even the White House weighed in, saying it was 'disappointed' by the controversy. 'The lack of party support for Mr. Craig seemed to signal a collective desire that he go away rather than offer Democrats another example of behavior lapses by Republicans,' Stout writes." (Time)

"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and other prominent Democrats scrambled to unload thousands of dollars of contributions from one of the party's leading fundraisers, amid questions about his fundraising techniques and news that a warrant for his arrest has been languishing in California since the early 1990s. The swift political rise — and fall — of Norman Hsu, an obscure New York businessman who never donated to a presidential candidate before 2004, underscores the tremendous pressure candidates are facing this election cycle to raise unprecedented sums of money, and in the process turning to financiers the campaigns may know little about." (WSJ)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Corsair Classic

Media-Whore's D'Oevres

"The acerbic Christopher Hitchen's, with his remarkably well-timed meditations on atheism and Mother Theresa, is particularly good on cable. MSNBC is the logical venue for his controversial style (Full Disclosure: I interned under Hitchens at The Nation). And Andre Leon Talley and Anna Wintour are tailor made for the Today show audience." (Webnewser)

"Bob (Saget) said that Rodney (Dangerfield) always had his balls hanging out too. Howard (Stern) said he heard a story from this guy David Permit who had a meeting with Rodney and he came walking in with a bathrobe on and his balls hanging out. Bob said that Rodney really helped him out with stuff back then. Artie said he did a gig at Dangerfield's not too long ago and it was really sad. There were only like 16 people there and it's all trapped in the 70s and everyone there is miserable. Howard asked Bob if he's still with the young chick he was dating. Bob said he's dating a younger woman, who's 27, and he's 51. He said her name is Michelle which is ironic since that was the name of one of the girls on 'Full House.' Bob said he met her mother recently and her mother is 1 year younger than him." (Marksfriggin)

"Christopher Bailey blew into the Windy City Tuesday night for a 24-hour jaunt that the town will not soon forget ... Perched just behind Frank Gehry's Pritzker bandshell, nearly 400 guests, including André Leon Talley." Fashionweekdaily)

"This is probably not a question that many people have considered, but on Saturday night in the swank Long Island town of East Hampton, a crowd of 1,500 well-heeled concert-goers got to see for themselves what three Gs can buy when Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers took the stage at the ritzy Ross School. The show was the last in the Social @ Ross series that also included performances by Prince, Billy Joel, Dave Matthews Band, and James Taylor. Summer 'passports' ran $15,000 and offered access to all five events, which attracted a predictable guest list of A-listers, hedge-fund managers, and other people with fantastic tans." (Popwatch)

"Rhymes With Snitch first broke the news of Debarge's arrest. El, whose real name is Eldra, scored major success in 1985 with the hit "Rhythm of the Night." His brother James was briefly married to Janet Jackson, but that marriage was annulled. Debarge currently sits in a cell, without bail. Wear it well!" (TMZ)
Media-Whore's D'Oevres

"At 1213 hours, I could see an older white male with gray hair standing outside my stall. He was standing about three feet away and had a roller bag with him. The male was later identified by Idaho's driver licence as Larry Edwin Craig {redacted} I could see craig look through the crack in the door from his position. Craig would look down at his hands, "fidget" with his fingeres, and then look through the crack into my stall again. Craig would repeat this cycle for about two minutes. I was able to see Craig's blue eyes as he looked into my stall." (Smokinggun)

"Once the province of the broadcast networks, blacks have seen the number of original shows aimed at them cut way back, and now TBS is moving in to fill the void. This summer it aired the top two shows among black adults 18-49, on both on cable and broadcast, the original comedy 'Tyler Perry’s House of Payne" and the movie 'Diary of a Mad Black Woman.' 'Payne' is averaging 1.22 million viewers in that demographic, according to Nielsen data analyzed by Turner Networks, making it the No. 1 show in the demo this summer. The No. 2 show, 'Diary,' has averaged 913,000 viewers over several airings this summer, putting it comfortably ahead of No. 3 Fox’s 'Hell’s Kitchen,' with 795,000, and way ahead of the CW’s No. 1 show among black viewers, 'Girlfriends,' whose reruns have averaged 591,000." (Medialifemagazine)
Bouncing a Quarter Off The Secretary of States' Tush

(image via seattlepi)

Apparently the Secretary of State likes to keep things tight. Alright?

And, as any good Corsair knows, it takes great diplomacy to evenly divide booty. Unless, of course, that "booty" belongs said Secretary of State. From Jossip:

"Did you hear? WaPo correspondent Glenn Kessler has penned a bio on his sort-of friend, Condoleezza Rice. And unlike the smear job on Katie Couric, this book casts Rice in a predominantly flattering light.

"Highlights include the part where a 'close friend' (Coit Blacker) recollects throwing loose change at Condi’s behind to confirm his postulation that 'it would bounce right off like a rocket ...'"

Mama says wha-a-aa?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Corsair Classic

Vice Tv:

Corsair Classic

Donna Karan Is ... Eccentric

silly little freak.

You know the rap on Donna Karan. She's a bit ... odd. Strange, really. Nuttier than an Almond Joy. But that's o-okay; all "creative" types have their quirks. Right?

Of Karan we have written on a previous occasion: "At some point we imagine the highly efficient men with nigh-unbreakable straightjackets are going to one day swoop down and fucking cart ol' crazyface Donna Karan back to whatever stylish institution from which she escaped. This will be done tastefully, though."

At the beginning of our sordid tale, Christie Brinkley, a Hampton's veteran, senses party-danger. After having lived a life of absolute frivolity, she is expert at anticipating party fuck ups.

And then Donna Karan got funky. From Style:

"'Someone's going to fall into the pool tonight,' warned Christie Brinkley as she surveyed the scene at Donna Karan's East Hampton house on Friday night. The occasion was a screening, with the Cinema Society, of Kris Carr's documentary Crazy Sexy Cancer, which will air on Wednesday night on TLC. In truth, it wasn't exactly Karan's house. It was, as the designer described it, her "spa house," complete with subtle and meditative decor, all-you-can-drink Fiji Water, massage tables, hammocks, a sauna, and plenty of nooks and crannies for shavasana and other yoga poses ... Karan eventually took to the bongo drums herself."

Charmed, I'm sure (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment).
Media-Whore D'Oevres

"What French legend looks so damned good because she supposedly has a gold mesh wire implanted in her face to keep it all trés tight? ... What rapper with children can never help cruising the cute guys, boring into them with his eyes in between boring us with his attitude? " (Musto)

This is post just so WRONG: "The baby boy of Bridget Moynahan has finally been named -- and Tom Brady probably won't be very happy with it. As reported in People magazine, Bridge named the lil' pigskin John Edward Thomas Moynahan -- offsides!" (TMZ

"George Clooney is quids in after betting Michelle Pfieffer in 1997 he wouldn't be married by now. The only sticking point is they can't agree what the stake was. George, 46, is holding out for a grand but Michelle says she bet $100. She insists: 'I'm right. I think age is catching up him. They say the first thing to go is memory.'" (3AM)

"While the war in Iraq and the future of the Justice Department are far more important to our nation, I think the GOP should consider that the latest blow — the embarrassment of Sen. Larry Craig — will have quite a lasting impact. (And is any questionable episode in a men’s room NOT an embarrassment?)" (TheHill)

"She's the ultimate Material Girl but even the Queen of Pop can't seem to buy a female nanny for her adopted baby. We can reveal a frustrated Madonna couldn't find a woman to look after one-year-old David Banda and has now followed in the footsteps of Britney Spears and has hired a 'manny' instead." (3AM)

Hmm. Musto dropped some blind items this week and one stood out. From the Village Voice:
"What sinewy guy spoke at that closeted gay's funeral, fueling rumors that the dead gay was a generous supporter of the sinewy guy when he started out?"

Ah Vonder vho dat coult be ...And by "supporter" does Musto mean a real "Rock of Gibraltar"? (Nod, nod, wink-wink)

If "he" was -- then it was probably a little "Gay-for-pay" arrangement. And "he" wouldn't be the first gay politician, would he (Or at least, straight politician to engage in man-on-man love). Granted, "he" had some real estate money, but it is hard to break into show business with a thick Austrian accent to boot. Hollywood can be harsh; quartre-sexuality smooth it all out.
Corsair Classic

Media-Whore D'Oevres

"'I’ve been cybering for a long time, but I don't really cyber as much as I used to. These days, I like to get to know someone better and have some time to talk to them through webcam and voice chat before we cyber. That’s because I’ve been lied to by too many guys. I want to cyber/cam with women. That can be very tough. Guys are fine, and there's nothing wrong with that. But I’m not bi: I only want women. And there are a lot of guys out there who pretend to be women.'" (VillageVoice)

"A Drudgereport link is like "The Golden Ticket" in Willy Wonka. The very prospect makes a blogger drool. I've seen web journalists reduced to tears. I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the blogosphere at dawn looking for an angry link.(Webnewser)

"Once famous for his loyalty to subordinates, Bush is now showing himself very capable of jettisoning the ones who create too much controversy. Bush is desperately seeking to shape his legacy in the last months of his presidency, and he is taking down those lightning rods who have attracted too much negative attention." (Politico)

"Even though NBC keeps claiming that relations between the network and Leno are just fine, thank you, Jay (Leno) keeps demonstrating his deep resentment. Everyone knows the host who's No. 1 in late night ratings has to leave in 2009 to make way for Conan -- the result of a shake-up orchestrated by Jeff Zucker in such a brutal way that it hurt Leno. How hurt? Well, on last night's The Tonight Show, Jay half-heartedly showed off a few set redecorations made while he was on vacation, including a new desk. Admitting he didn't see what was wrong with the old one, Leno quipped: 'It's not like NBC to get rid of something that's worked perfectly well for 15 years.'" (DeadlineHollywood via HuffPo)

"U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, an Idaho Republican, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in Minnesota this month after being arrested by a plainclothes police officer investigating complaints of lewd conduct in a men's restroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport." (StarTribune via DrudgiePoo)
In Defense of The Butterscotch Stallion

(image via cinematical)

The Corsair wishes Owen Wilson, one of the best comic actors of his generation, the best.
Diana Ross Does Southampton

(image via thehamptons)

The Corsair has been a Diana Ross fan since Mahogany. She had us at the establishing shot. And she kept us at the candle wax at the louche Eurotrash party. From The Hamptons:

"Encased in a fiery red sequin encrusted gown complete with outrageous red chiffon ruffled cape Diana Ross entered the room to thunderous applause belting out, 'I’m Coming Out'...She continued with 'Soul Right,' 'It’s My House,' 'Love Child,' and 'Upside Down.' With her signature smile, bedroom eyes, and flirty breathless conversation she held her audience as she performed 'Ease on Down the Road' from the musical 'The Wiz' in which she starred along side Michael Jackson, Lena Horne, Richard Pryor, and Mabel King."

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Corsair Classic

Outtake from "Knocked Up," via Papermag:

Media-Whore's D'Oevres

(image via

"Howard (Stern) told Bob (Saget) that he was once in bed naked with Rebecca Romijn. He swore that there was no sex going on that night but he was in a towel and Rebecca was naked in his bed. Howard said he thinks that Stamos may have touched Beth's boob that night but she backed off of all of that. Howard said he didn't want John (Stamos) doing that stuff. Gary said that Howard never told that part of the story before and he gives us something new every time he tells the story." (Marksfriggin)

"THAT Brad Pitt has been looking over new film scripts and setting up dinner at Nobu with Robert De Niro." (Page Six)

"Two major political contributors to President George W. Bush, who later named them as U.S. ambassadors, were principal hosts at a $2,300-a-ticket reception last Sunday in the chic resort of Nantucket, Mass., for Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani. Peter Terpeluk, a Washington lobbyist who became ambassador to Luxembourg, is Giuliani's national finance chairman. Richard J. Egan, a Massachusetts industrialist who was ambassador to Ireland, is the former New York mayor's state finance chairman. A third major co-host was former Massachusetts Gov. Paul Cellucci, who, instead of joining the state's Republican leaders backing former Gov. Mitt Romney, is Giuliani's Massachusetts political chairman. On the host committee was former General Electric CEO Jack Welch. The event was held at the home of Giuliani's lecture agent, Bernie Swain." (Novak)

Friday, August 24, 2007

On Tarantino's Misogynies

The telltale head. (image via

There's this weird, rather creepy aspect of Quentin Tarantino and women. And it goes beyond the foot fetish. And the bulbous, sweaty, Edgar Allan Poeish, Tarantinoersque head (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). It has to do with how Tarantino seems to get off on depicting women in pain and degradation on-screen. From those intrepid Page Sixxies:

"Asked by FHM to pick his favorite death scene, the 'Grindhouse' director selects the 1982 Italian horror flick 'Tenebre,' directed by Asia Argento's dad, Dario, in which a victim paints the wall with blood after her arm is chopped off. Second is 2001's 'Jason X,' where a fiend solidifies a woman's face by forcing it into liquid nitrogen, then slams it against a counter so it shatters like glass. Tarantino also loves 1981's 'The Prowler,' in which a girl showers while her boyfriend lies in bed. '[The prowler] sticks a bayonet through the top of his head so it comes down through his chin ... [Then] he goes into the shower, where the chick is naked, and he stabs her with a pitchfork and, as she's screaming, he lifts her up the wall.'"

What the fuck? What's with this woman-torture, "Q.T."? This reminds us of a fucking creepy tale we posted here, July 30, 2004 (From Independent Film Quarterly, issue 7):

"IFQ: Can you talk about the wild times with (Quentin) Tarantino on the set (of Kill Bill: Volume II)?

"Michael Madsen: I don't know if we had wild times. We had good times. Quentin likes to laugh a lot. He's a great laugh. Like the night we did the syringe shot in the butt. I'd never seen so many volunteers in my whole life! Every single woman on that set wanted to be the inserted ass. They were lined up and one by one they'd lay down and I'd shoot them in the ass. (It's for the scene where Michael's character shoots Uma's character in the butt before he buries her alive in a coffin) Quentin was like, 'Let me do it. I want to do it!' Now he's putting the syringe in the butt shot. We must have done 20 different women for the butt shot! Everybody wanted to do it. I think that's Quentin's hand in the movie because I had done about six of them, and I was like, I'm going to my trailer. He spent the rest of the night out there injecting! Next. Next. Next. This side. That looks good. He got that from me because the first time we did the scene, I slapped her on the butt, and then I gave her the shot."

Fucking creepy, yo.
Media-Whore's D'Oevres

(image via abovethelaw)

"Brangelina is about to invade the Hamptons. I can exclusively tell you that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will be hitting New York’s über-rich beach getaway for an intimate dinner to raise funds for Pitt’s work in helping rebuild Katrina-devastated New Orleans. The soiree will be hosted by two Tribeca Film Festival cofounders, superproducer Jane Rosenthal and her businessman husband Craig Hatkoff." (EOnline via DansHamptons)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Corsair Classic

Part the second:

Media-Whore's D'Oevres

"Next weekend Diana Ross will be in town for An Evening Under the Stars where she will give a private performance at Stony Brook Southampton. This event, hosted by Jill and Cliff Viner, will benefit the Kids PumpEd Project at the Diabetes Research Institute." (Hamptons)

Spoken Like Someone About to Retire From The Senate: "In an effort to get Iraqi leaders to take action to quell the violence in their country, President Bush should authorize the withdrawal of U.S. troops next month, Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) said Thursday.'Take into consideration the need to send a sharp and clear message throughout the region, to the United States, and one that people can understand,' Warner recommended. He added that such a move would send a message to Iraq’s government and the region that the U.S. commitment is not open-ended and that political progress must be made." (TheHill)

"NBC is getting into the ring with 'American Gladiators,' which has been revived by the Peacock for midseason.The competition skein -- which featured players with names like Nitro, Turbo and Laser in its campy, early '90s syndie incarnation -- will be updated for the 21st century with new technology and twists. MGM TV, which was behind the original hit, is producing along with Reveille." (Variety)

"Democrats are not only gearing up to contest the usual hot spots where they fell short the last time —such as Ohio, Iowa, Missouri and Florida … . But they also appear ready to make a run in a number of states that have long been considered part of the Republican base. Many of the Democratic targets of opportunity are in the Mountain West. But an early target list would also include Virginia, where Democrats appear to have found the formula for statewide success by establishing a beachhead in the burgeoning vote-rich suburbs of Northern Virginia. … The trend is also encouraging for the Democrats in much of the Mountain West. Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada and New Mexico all were carried by Clinton at least once in the 1990s." (Sabato's Crystal Ball via Politico)
Lindsay Lohan Is Going to Jail

Cuff her ... and STuff Her! (image via

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we present you Lindsay Lohan, jailbait. She's in jail; she's in jail because she failed. We still maintain that Nicole Ritchie, of the crazy-chic posse, ought to get a one-time-only get out of jail for free pass because she is Lionel Ritchie's daughter (C'mon; are you so hard-hearted as to be immune to the serious mellow that is Lionel's praetenatural "Hello"?). Anyhoo: Lindsay is the latest of that gang-that-couldn't-shoot-straight to do some light time in the pokey. From TMZ:

"Lindsay Lohan will not stand trial for DUI. She just struck a deal by pleading no contest to two counts of DUI (driving with a .08 blood alcohol level or higher). By law, Lohan becomes a second offender (with two DUIs) and must serve a minimum of four days in jail. But the judge cut that in half. He ordered her to perform 10 days community service and shaved two days off her jail sentence. He also gave Lindsay on day credit for time served when she was busted. That means she gets a grand total of one day in jail."

Neglect to tell Linds that they store the fruit-cocktail sterno in he toilet to keep cool in the Summertime.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Trouble With BET

(image via

Aaron McGruder's pitch-perfect criticism of BET under conscience-less businessman Bob Johnson was devastatingly accurate. McGruder was a lone voice in a hostile media envionment telling us that the Emperor had no clothes. Worse: The Emperor was representing the lowest common denominator, lining his pockets, and leaving future generations to foot the social bill. No one wanted to be critical about the booty-video-and-oily-televangelist network because, well, Johnson was the first African-American billionaire.

He was immune to criticism. Criticizing Bob Johnson was like criticizing the Pope. What about the young men and women that look up to him, and strive to be like him?

Precisely our point (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment).

Many tried to pretend they hadn't heard what McGruder was saying on every media outlet available to him in the late 90s. Even among fellow travellers in the media -- the most critical people in the world -- there was a deafening silence as more and more younger, post-Civil Rights era voices began questioning the god-awfulness of BET's programming. And then, of course, with expert-timing, billionaire timing, Johnson unloaded his shit on Viacom.

What was Bob Johnson doing with all that money, because he certainly wasn't putting it in on the talent or production-value side of things.

Those days are behind us. Kind of. What has BET made of itself? From Chloe Hilliard of the Village Voice, on the "Hot Ghetto Mess" mess:

"In BET's case, we get Murphy telling us that his show is a 'guide how not to act.' But we know that's crap. Like the website the show is based on,, we're drawn to it because there's nothing like a video of a hooker cold-cocking her pimp. You just don't see that every day.

"We Got to Do Better is one of five new shows that debuted this summer as part of another major transformation for the 27-year-old Black Entertainment Television. The last came in 2000, when the network was purchased by media giant Viacom and moved its studios from Washington, D.C., to New York. But hopes that the move would mean more investment and better production values faded as the channel devoted more time than ever to ass-shaking music videos."

Sad, but true. (VV)
Media-Whore's D'Oevres

(image via thecityreview)

"With the U.S. Open set to start in five days, the Big Apple has become a hangout for the sport's brightest names. Taking advantage of the merging of style and sport, Jay Fielden and Anna Wintour have gathered a dazzling mix of celebrities and socials to honor tennis great Roger Federer with an intimate dinner Thursday night at Wakiya, the much-buzzed about new restaurant in the Gramercy Park Hotel." (Fashionweekdaily)

"He's been wed to Rebecca Romijn little more than a month, but Jerry O'Connell already has a few marital tricks up his sleeve – or, to be more precise, down his pants. 'I get very nervous when I have to take my wedding ring off,' O'Connell, 33, told PEOPLE at Monday's DVD release party for Ugly Betty: The Complete First Season – The Bettyfied Edition. 'But I have to everyday at work, so I safety pin it to my underwear so I'll never forget it.'" (People via Popwatch)

"Wei Fun is proving to be way fun for families and groups who love the casual atmosphere and the wacky menu choices like Ants Climbing a Tree which thoroughly tickles the little ones. '30 Rock' star Alec Baldwin was there lasting week gently chiding daughter Ireland to eat her broccoli. Jon Bon Jovi and wife Dorothea and George Stephanopoulos with wife Ali Wentworth shared almost a dozen dishes and washed it all down with Gruner Vetliner." (Hamptons)

"We hear that 'Hardball' exec producer Tammy Haddad is officially out thanks to Chris Matthews becoming the lowest-rated host on MSNBC primetime. Matthews — a front-and-center face at MSNBC and certainly a go-to pundit on all things political, including election coverage in November and chosen as to moderate one of MSNBC's two kickoff presidential debates in April, along with NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams — has seen his ratings clock in consistently below Keith Olbermann — who is getting a network try-out this Sunday — and even Dan Abrams, who stepped in for Joe Scarborough amidst some changes to the show, yet still manages to consistently beat Matthews' ratings. Only Tucker Carlson, who is on at 4 and 6 pm, has lower ratings on the network." (HuffPo)

"Speaking of polo, Donald Trump was the 'Star' attraction in several ways. Plugging his latest real estate venture, The Donald seemed to have none other then Star Jones by his side every time a photographer came by. Sort of the way she was at Bill Clinton’s side during every available photo op at Jaci and Morris Reid’s two weeks ago. Dubbed a Lollipop Head by the New York Post since her recent and fast weight loss which left her with a rather large head on a tiny torso, Miss Star seems to have indeed shed her unwanted poundage but hardly her imperiousness. When asked politely by a local reporter to pose for a quick photo, the former View co-host snapped 'I have another engagement' then slowly worked her way through the crowd talking up her new Court TV show." (

BTW: There is no discernible reason why this photo of Iman here other than the simple fact that we quite simply required it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Media-Whore's D'Oevres

"Law enforcement sources tell TMZ there is a 'strong possibility' the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office will NOT file felony charges against Lindsay Lohan in connection with her two DUI arrests. We're told charges may be filed tomorrow, and the D.A. is leaning toward rejecting three possible felonies. Sources say the D.A. almost certainly will not file cocaine charges in connection with her DUI bust Memorial Day weekend in Beverly Hills." (TMZ)

"Spice Girl Mel B has spoken out for the first time to deny reports new husband Stephen Belafonte is a wife-beater. Despite revelations Mr Belafonte, 32, was charged with battery after he attacked his common-law wife Nicole Contreras during a drunken episode at their home in 2003, Mel defended her new husband's reputation. She told Hello! magazine: They're trying to make him out to be this aggressive, violent, woman batterer and he's not. If you read those police reports, they never say he physically beat up a woman." (ThisisShowbiz)

"Nina Garcia-Project Runway judge, Blackberry Pearl spokeswoman, and fashion director at Elle, where she this month debuted her own style column-is about to add the title of author to her impressive résumé ...To celebrate the publication's release, Diane von Furstenberg will host a launch party on September 5 at Socialista." (Fashionweekdaily)

"The up skirt issue at Hearst notwithstanding, their Digital Media Group has created mobile sites Harper’s Bazaar and Marie Claire." (Webnewser)

We'd NEVER root against Cate Blanchett, But ..."The New York Times reports on the upcoming limited release of Todd Haynes' 'I'm Not There.' And with the article, the industry sees an unexpected early opening of awards season. The film, starring Cate Blanchett, Richard Gere, Christian Bale, and Heath Ledger all as Bob Dylan, will open on November 21, 2007 from The Weinstein Company. 'I may be jumping the gun,' company chief Harvey Weinstein boldly tells the NY Times, 'but if Cate Blanchett doesn't get nominated, I'll shoot myself.'" (Indiewire)

"The ugly elbowing over which states will go first in the 2008 presidential primary process is due to explode into open warfare Saturday as the Democratic National Committee decides what to do about “rogue” states that are threatening to violate party rules. The DNC’s powerful Rules and Bylaws Committee is scheduled to meet at 10 a.m. in Washington to decide primarily what sanctions to take against Florida, where Democrats say they will conduct a primary on Jan. 29 in violation of party rules. The Politico has learned, however, that a secret 9 a.m. “off the record” breakfast will precede the open meeting and the 30 sometimes contentious members of the rules commitee will try to achieve some kind of consensus." (politico)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Media-Whore's D'oevres

(image via foxnews)

"Martha Stewart is reportedly now targeting the slightly older more sophisticated woman with a new magazine that would rival Town & Country. Susan Lyne, CEO of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia isn’t cracking on any details but when asked Martha gave a sly little smile and didn’t deny the project." (

"The White House said Monday that Gen. David Petraeus likely will testify before Congress on the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. A spokesman for President Bush, Gordon Johndroe, reiterated that Petraeus, the commander of U.S. troops in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, U.S. ambassador to Iraq, would testify in open hearings. They will answer lawmakers’ questions about the situation in Iraq, the success of the troop surge and the next steps to be taken." (TheHill)

"Love him or hate him, we have to say, Donald Trump has his pimp moments from time to time." (Bloghamptons)

"Last Friday night the rains came to the Hamptons, but they could not stop the first annual Furman Jazz Fling to benefit Jazz at Lincoln Center, from going full swing! A Who's Who of the Hampton’s scene joined hosts Victoria Moran Furman and Jay Furman (Jazz at Lincoln Center Board member) at their Southampton home for a joyful event complete with a performance by the jazz king himself, Wynton Marsalis." (Newyorksocialdiary)
Proof that Chris Dodd's Campaign is Dead

via wonkette; this fly mounting his inscrutable, Senatorial coif is proof positive that the Chris Dodd Presidential campaign is dead, cadaverous. Gag him with a fork -- the Senator from Connecticut is done!
Media-Whore's D'Oevres

Rashida Jonesing. (image via glamourmag)

"Following the (The Good Night), one group headed to Della Femina for a bite while Ron Perelman hosted a much more exclusive dinner for 50 friends at his Georgica Pond estate, a buffet feast that included smoked salmon blini, gnocchi, brisket of beef, pasta, fish, and summer vegetables. Brooke Shields, Jon Bon Jovi, Mariah Carey, Molly Sims and beau Justin Chatwin, and André Balazs were among those who lingered past midnight, chatting up Barbara Walters, Kyle MacLachlan, Ingrid Sischy and Sandy Brant, Blythe Danner, and Rashida Jones." (Fashionweekdaily)

"Back in the day, there were quadrennial Sam Nunn for Vice President, or maybe President, columns. I never saw it. Nunn is estimable--his work on nuclear proliferation especially--but so taciturn as to be easily mistaken for a bale of hay. In any case, now he's opened the door to an independent run for President and Ed Kilgore, a former Nunn staffer, has a good evaluation of who Nunn is and what this is about." (Time)

"When I last saw Bhutto in autumn 2005, she contended Musharraf was not a dependable ally in fighting terrorism. I put it down as typical exile talk. However, she proved prophetic when Musharraf in 2006 cut a deal with Pakistani tribal groups, creating a sanctuary for al-Qaida and Taliban fighters.When I met Bhutto last week, she was much softer in criticism of Musharraf now that she is negotiating with him. She is pledged to secrecy about even admitting they met. But sources close to Bhutto say that on July 29, they met in Abu Dhabi, her principal residence in exile. They were alone for 3½ hours. 'Gen. Musharraf has promised confidence-building measures that have not yet been undertaken,' Bhutto told me. 'I await him to fulfill his promises.'" (Novak)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Picture Pages, Picture Pages ..

This might be a good time to casually mention that you take Valtrex to avoid socially embarassing "flare-ups." (image via hollywoodrag via socialitelife)

Get a fucking bra, sir; this isn't the goddam 1960's. (image via style)

At DJ AM parties how do they separate the men from the boys? With crowbars! (image via thecobrasnake)

Homeslice came to kick ass and sweat profusely, and he's almost out of profuse sweat. (image via thecobrasnake)

Frustrated after unsucessfully trying to sell his "ass-this-ggod" all night, Ethan just gave it away. (image via thecobrasnake)

By the timely intervention of a sweet but insistent little girl Ally Sheedy was saved from indie career suicide. (image via style)
"Assy" Keeps It Classy

(image via askmen)

Of late, TMZ has been trafficking friskily in the adjective "Asstastic," usually in reference to Kim KardASSian, or somesuch entertainment industry non-entity known primarily for the way they jiggle (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). The latest of these is a hunk of cheesecake known as "Vida Guerra (Averted Gaze)."

Life is war? Of course it is.

From TMZ:

"Asstastic swimsuit model Vida Guerra claims she could have gotten out of a parking ticket in West Hollywood last night -- if she would have let one of the meter maids see her naked!"

Corsair Etiquitte Tip of the Day: Turn the other Ass-cheek. Corollary: You can't have "Classy" without some "Ass" in the middle.
Introducing: Webnewser

While Webnewser is an experimental site that I get to after the day job covering Silicon Alley, The Corsair would like for you to check out where some of our lives have been spent. You might even like it. (Webnewser)
Media-Whore's D'Oevres

(image via ciadvertising)

"The news that MTV Networks is investing half a billion dollars in games is probably a smart move. Considering the sales and popularity of Wii, XBox and gaming in general among the MTV demo, one almost wonders why they dropped Nick Butterworth's old strategy of online game show back in the day. And videos. Still, this can be seen as a move in the right direction for Digital Czar Mika Salmi. If only they had bought Facebook when they had the chance." (Webnewser)
Corsair Classic

Rudy Giuliani is Stupid on Foreign Relations

(image via gothamist)

Let's face it: Rudy, a former New York City mayor and an attorney for the Southern district of New York, is no intellectual and he is most certainly not qualified to serve as President of these United States (Exaggerated cough suggecting feigned detachment). We believe that after the irrational exhuberance of his handling of post-September 11th New York crumbles under close scrutiny, he will fall to either the gloriously evil Mitt Romney or the positively quixotic Newt Gingrich. Have you ever heard the blustery Rudy Giuliani speak -- or try to speak -- on the subject of international relations? Oh, we know he desires -- more than any other urban administrator in modern memory -- to be seen as a Statesman, a Machiavelli, a political macher deserving of the love of his hyper-ambitious wife with the reptilian eyes. His ambitions exceed his reach.

Have you seen Rudy pose next to Kissinger, chest puffed out, legs akimbo, whenever the photo opportunities arise? Have you seen him mention, lisping, "and so we institued James Wilson at Harvard's broken windows theory"?

Unfortunately, Giuliani is, in essence, a suburban thug, a little Mussolini on the Hudson, a punk, a Stallone (Averted Gaze). Rudiani is intellectually incapable of original internationalist thought; he is laughable when he speaks on his love of "opera," then mentions, as if by aside, "The Three Tenors" -- the cheese-whiz, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, of Classical music (Mozart was the answer we were looking for, but the judges would hacve accepted Wagner). That's why when Little Rudy tries to be Churchillian, he sounds, quite frankly, laughably John Wayne-ian ("We godda be tough"). To wit, this typical Giulianiesque batshit-bullshit from The Charlie Rose Show:

"Charlie Rose:You don't like France.

"Rudy Giuliani:Now?

"Charlie Rose:Now you love France.

"Rudy Giuliani: France is one of my favorite countries now. I can't say it was before. But it's become one of my favorite countries. I think -- isn't that the way it is? I mean, when we started this Iraq thing, Britain and Italy and Spain were on our side, and France and Germany wereagainst us. Now Italy and Spain have pulled out. I think the UK is pretty much in the same position they've been in. They're one of our most loyal friends."

"This Iraq thing." Deep (The Corsair emits a low, spiralling wolf whistle at the humaity..). This may just be the longest Rudy has spoken before conjuring the incantation "September 11," like some two-bit illusionist, which is how he began his lower-middle brow "essay" for Foreign affairs Magazine.
HillHeads at Mark Warner?

Hollywood is for pretty people; DC is for the competent and the brainy. (image via abouttheimage)

This Democratic Primary is, in essence, winner take all (And we do hope that winner is Al Gore). Both Hillary and Obama -- the presumable frontrunners -- are from Blue states, so neither needs the other on the ticket, quite frankly. Besides, the relationship would be tense considering the bruising that has come before and the bruising that is yet to come as the contest heats up.

Obama or Hillary (Please Al Gore), if either of them win, can do well without the other. From our favorite Dickensaian villain (The three-piece suits, the scowling leer, the Spaniel-like fidelity to capital gains tax cuts), Robert Novak:

"ANTICIPATING that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton will clinch the Democratic presidential nomination, some supporters are beginning to argue against her principal rival - Sen. Barack Obama - for vice president.

"They maintain that Obama provides no general-election help for Clinton. As an African-American from Illinois, Obama represents an ethnic group and a state solidly in the Democratic column. This school of thought advocates a Southerner as Clinton's running mate. The last time Democrats won a national election without a Southerner on the ticket was 1944. Prominent Democrats from the South are in short supply today. The leading prospect: Virginia ex-Gov. Mark Warner."

We couldn't agree more. His foreign policy knowlege, while still light (As evidenced in last year's Davos talk when he was sandwiched between heavyweights John McCain and Joe Biden) is growing massively. By election time he should have mastered the 10-year learning curve of international relations. And Virginia is an electoral ruby for the Democrats.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Corsasir Classic

Corsair to Scott Baio: Apology Accepted

Scott Baio's VH1 show is a guilty pleasure that fills us with shame. We are too culturally highbrow to be enjoying this. He, romping around with his oily pals -- Manchildren, all -- sucking on cigars, and at golf. They are like bad cliches of 1950s Golden Age Hollywood, only festooned in an aura of mousse gel. We ought not to be loving the show as much as we do, but, as Woody Allen said -- so very inappropriately -- The heart wants what the heart wants (Averted Gaze). And Scott Baio's show is utterly brilliant in its laser-like intensity at chronicling a B-lister seeking the most American of rites: Redemption. We are a sucker for a good redemption story, andthus We accept the apology he gave in EW for the horrific "Joannie Loves Chachi":

"I'm sorry that the episodes stunk. I'm sorry that I did it. I had done an episode of Happy Days where Erin [Moran] and I sing, and I remember watching the reaction of the producers — all these lightbulbs went off in their heads: Doiiing! Spin-off! Doiiing! We did four episodes that the Happy Days writers wrote. Then they picked us up for a series and all the Happy Days writers left. They stuck us with a bunch of guys who didn't know us, and it was really bad. I remember doing one episode where they aged us to be, like, 70. I had the prosthesis and the wig and the fat belly — the whole schlemiel — and I remember thinking, 'This show is really, really, really unfunny, and I don't know what the hell these people are laughing at.' I just knew that it was toilet time.''

Most celebrities pretend to forget their stink-bombs. This blog, like Alannis Morrisette is here to remind you (But in a less shrill and creepy-stalker tone). If only celebrities, like auto manufacturers, could recall their defective products.
Corsair Classic

Media-Whore's D'Oevres

(image via nndb)

"Yes, yes, you don't need me to tell you how cool it is that they keep casting actors from Star Trek: Original Flava on Heroes. Still: first Sulu, now Uhura." (Popwatch)

"Elizabeth Edwards has emerged as the attacker-in-chief for her husband’s presidential campaign, and it is a job to which she is well-suited. I do not say this because I think she is a mean person -- she is not -- but because she so completely believes that her husband would make the best president that she feels free to characterize his Democratic opponents as visionless and power-hungry. And those who are attacked by Elizabeth Edwards don’t really want to attack her back." (Politico

Donovan Leitch flipped the calendar on a new decade Thursday night, toasting his 40th birthday with family and bold-faced friends at a hilltop fête at the Mulholland Tennis Club. And though the day may have seemed like a milestone to wife Kirsty Hume, to Leitch it started off as just any old day ...Throughout the party, which he planned as a Caddyshack meets Less Than Zero reception with a country-club feel, Leitch—decked out in Modern Amusement from head to almost toes, which were covered in brand new, bright white K-Swiss tennis shoes—could be seen literally embracing guests from 'different periods of his life' including Matthew Perry, Amber Valletta, Eric Dane, Shiva Rose, Natasha Wagner, Jenni Kayne, Richard Ehrlich, Nino Muñoz, Josh Charles, Billy Morrison, Brent Bolthouse, and Jen Rosero." (Fashionweekdaily)

"Driving to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, the route goes through poor neighborhoods
where house after house have signs: For Sale. What this really means is: foreclosed." (TheHill)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Media-Whore's D'Oevres

(image via hscti)

"The astrological sign Leo is in full swing with August birthdays and Charlotte Ronson, Samantha Ronson, and Amanda Silverman joined forces to celebrate. The inexhaustible trio hosted their joint birthday party Wednesday night at The Bowery Hotel Rooftop, leaving only when the bar had to close and moving on to the Beatrice Inn so the attendees could continue the fest until 4 am. Guests included Charlotte’s mother, Ann Dexter-Jones, sister Annabelle Dexter-Jones, and best friend Shoshanna Gruss. Nicole Richie showed up with boyfriend Joel Madden and even stuck around after he left to DJ the Justin Timberlake afterparty." (Fashionweekdaily)

"The Fed and other central banks moved quickly and in unison last Friday to pump more cash into financial systems, successfully stabilizing markets made jittery by collapsing hedge funds around the world. It was central banking at its best, avoiding 'panics' that would have resulted from such a situation a century ago. But Bernanke's broader plans for easier money have to be placed on hold because he cannot be seen bailing out greedy hedge fund operators. The cautious Bernanke shoulders a burden not faced by his often error-prone predecessors. Because of the global economy, he is central banker for the world. The recent credit crisis originated in the failure of American sub-prime home mortgages backing securities held in Europe. The complicated equation that Bernanke ponders also involves the rest of the industrial world growing at a faster rate than the United States, leading some to speculate about tightening by the foreign central banks." (Novak)
Chris Tucker is Ready to Move On

(image via popmatters)

After riding the Rush Hour beast as far as it would take him, Chris Tucker has had enough. Stop the gravy train, he wants to get off. And we can't blame him. The franchise is quite frankly out of steam. Its fertility is spent. He did well with it, to be sure. A friednship with Bill Clinton; in the $20 million-a-picture club; the Hollywood A-list; in the Tom Cruise clique. The only drawback being that he must provide pop-eyed buffonishness on command. From the LATimes:

"You can hear the weariness in his voice, but also sense his resolve, as comedian Chris Tucker tries to separate himself from the character with whom he's most closely identified: James Carter, the wisecracking, helium-voiced LAPD detective who bounces off martial-arts whiz Jackie Chan in the Rush Hour movies.

"'I'm definitely ready to move on,' Tucker said over a lunch at the Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills, despite Rush Hour 3 topping the box office when it opened last week.

"'When I did the first movie in '98, that was basically where I was as a comedian: the James Carter character. I always wanted to make a movie like that. I knew he was the perfect vehicle for my comedy. But I definitely want to do something different next and show a different side of me that people haven't seen. When I did the first movie, I thought that was it.'"

And the working with Brett Ratner for three pictures probably killed all the joy left in his soul.