(image via corante)
In: Jeff Jarvis. Congratulations to Entertainment Weekly founder and fellow blogger Jeff Jarvis. According to The Old Gray Lady (link via poynter):
"For some old-school journalists, blogging is the worst thing to hit the print medium since, well, journalism school. They may want to avert their eyes today, when Stephen B. Shepard, dean of the new Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York, is to name Jeff Jarvis director of the new-media program and associate professor.
"Mr. Jarvis, 51, has been developing the new-media curriculum for CUNY's journalism program since last year. As part of the core curriculum, all students will be required to take at least one new-media class exploring digital journalism.
"'New media will be a big part of the school,' said Mr. Shepard. 'And Jeff is a major figure in the world of citizen journalism, blogging and online journalism.'"
Freshman year core curriculum for digital journo's should contain a Hunter S. Thompson tutorial, Speed typing 101, transcribing, an American government survey course, an analysis of Spy Magazine back issues and tapes of old 60 Minutes episodes, and, finally, some proofreading as well as factchecking. IMHO.

(image via octobergallery)
Out: Fat Albert. This one blew our minds. It took us back to the Old School and kind of harshed on our mellow. The Corsair always thought that Fat Albert and the Cosby kids would eventually end up okay. Sure, they came from an impoverished background and had little in the way of parental supervision, but they were essentially harmless kids that respected their elders. How fucking wrong we were. According to CNN:
"Comedian Bill Cosby won control of an Internet domain name, including the name of the Fat Albert cartoon he created in the 1960s, under a ruling issued Monday by a United Nations panel.
"Arbitrators for the World Intellectual Property Organization ordered the transfer of the domain name www.fatalbert.org to the American actor, who had complained that it infringed his trademark rights and was being used in bad faith to divert Internet traffic to a commercial search engine and a Web site selling sexually explicit products."
You just know it was that Wierd Harold cat that got them into porn. "Hey, yall," he probably said one day as they were lazing in the clubhouse, smoking a fatty. "If we run away from home and hit the San Fernando Valley, right, we can do the crunk ass skin flicks with chicks like Brenda Starr Reporter, and shit."
Neither did they know, that before Bill "Cosby sweater" Cosby and the UN came to their rescue, those kids had gotten in with some real bad news cartoon-pornographers (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detchment). And, sadly, "Bucky's" raging crank drug habit wound up forcing him to do a rather unfortunate and "compromising" loop with "Marmaduke (Averted Gaze)" that is currently a straight-to-DVD hit in Amsterdam.

(image via newsoftheworld)
In: Charlotte Church, Superfreak. Virginal pseudo-Opera singer Charlotte Church, the soi-dissant "voice of an angel," has, it seems (Averted Gaze), a touch of The Great Beast about her on the DL. Ladies and gentlemen, The Chanteuse is loose! According to the extremely downmarket Newsoftheworld:
"CHARLOTTE Church's bad boy ex-lover dramatically reveals how the Voice Of An Angel turned into Hell's Angel�crazy for drug kicks and wild sex.
"Steve Johnson confessed to the News of the World he took the multi-millionaire singer's virginity at 16 after they both got high on super-strong skunk cannabis.
"And the one-time model revealed how, during their 18-month fling, Charlotte secretly:
"SNORTED �poppers' of sex drug amyl nitrate,
"ROLLED a cannabis joint on her mum's kitchen table,
"SMOKED up to three powerful spliffs a night with him, and
"BEGGED him to smear ice-cream over her naked body and lick it off."
Sounds like The Corsair on an average Friday night (Except, of course, the ice-cream smearing part, which, quite frankly, is some sick perverse-ass shit, yo). Still, we bet Renee Felming could kick her lightweight operatic tushy in a canabis smoke-off. The full, sordid tale --pfft -- here.

(image via nyccouncil)
Out: "Evil Moskowitz." For those of you who like to get your dance and drink-on in Manhattan (WTF is up with a NYC last call at 4--goddam--AM, anyway), this, from the new Papermag Blog, via David Rabin, "owner of Lotus and New York Nightlife Association honcho":
"'Evil' Moskowitz has already made her hostility to the hospitality industry clear...she hasn't dismissed the notion of earlier closing times and she was the one who tried to get bilboquet to lose their outdoor tables b/c ron perelman wanted them gone...she would be terrible for nightlife and that will spin back to restaurants...this is a WAKE UP CALLthis PRIMARY IS CRUCIAL...GET YOUR STAFF OUT TO VOTE...vote for SCOTT STRINGER FOR MANHATTAN BOROUGH PRESIDENT...(margarita lopez has been a vocal supporter of nightlife but has slipped out of contention)"
Vote for the party-party, vote out "Evil" Moskovitz!
In: Bloggers Meeting Their Inspirations. As 70s superband Chicago said, in characteristic falsetto, as stalkers everywhere took note while, ominously, soaking rags in chloroform, "you're the reason in my life ... you're the inspiration."
Plus ca change, plus le meme chose. It's almost like a fairy tale, sometimes, the way life turns out. Call The Corsair old fashioned, New-Age sensitive, hung over -- what have you -- but we get a little, ehr ... misty-eyed ... when a blog fellow traveler finally hooks up with their inspirations/obsessions, &c -- especially when duct tape, handcuffs and a box cutter aren't involved.
MyBlogisPoop, one of the most consistently underappreciated blogs in the blogosphere, recently got some love from Jon Sencio. We're happy for him.
Now, this Fashion Week, the always clever Perez Hilton finally met his blogcrush Paris Hilton:
"I can finally die a happy fag. Why? Because Saturday night, I finally met Paris Hilton!!!!
Though I did anoint myself an honorary Hilton, I never actually imagined that I would be in the same room as Paris, much less talking to her. But, thanks to an open bar, several Caipirinhas and my big Cuban balls, Perez did meet Paris."
To paraphrase Nick Carter, who, when arrested by the laughing Florida police, is rumored to have said, while spraying hot tears in the back of the squad car, "It's okay to cry." (Perez Meets Paris) So true.
How that shit all went down -- here.
So will Jeff Jarvis be teaching people to blog, then?
no, no: I should have said this in the blog (I was having too much fun being glib). Jarvis was managing editor and founder of of Entertainment Weekly, and was president and creative director of Advance.net (Conde Nast) in addition to being a blogger for 11 years. He'll develop a curriculum based on traditional J-school journalism with some digital flavor, which is the direction media outlets -- rom tv news to the printed page -- are going. It's big for blogs (that's why I put it up first on in and out)
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