(image via illegalaliens)
Pat Buchanan's apelike ascention to the zenith of the Amazon booklist -- gorrilla strength, natch -- and the possible loss of the House of Representatives of the Republican Party combine to form the political "Perfect Storm," or, as Pat might have it, with his beady eyes and redneck, the perfect "El Nino," ifyuhknowwhuddahmean (wink, wink, nod, nod). Oh, we know what he means.
Allow us to explain.
With the possibility -- according to the Cook Political Report and other political barometers -- of the loss of the House and a net gain of, oh, three or more Senate seats, Republicans are more desperate for some rays of sunshine than Owen Wilson after You, Me, and Dupree(Averted Gaze). Enter: The Invasion of the Brown people, or, as the late great Senator Pat Moynihan might have said "Boob-bait-for-Bubba." Never mind that Karl Rove, Leonine, in a twilight principled moment, allowed anti-nativist warnings to find their way in the State of the Union Address. Karl Roive's time has passed; the blush is off the Rove.
And so, sadly, we enter into baser times where the politicos appeal to our lower natures, our vestigial reptile brain stem. Thank you, Pat Buchanan, for introducing a discordant B-flat sharp into an almost harmonious American Symphony.
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