(image via orbitcast)
Artie Lang, who did a surreal job on a surreal season of "Rescue Me" tells Sports Illustrated about a memorable Howard Stern show moment. From Sports Illustrated:
"SI.com: Who's been the best sports guest since you joined the show?
"Lange: For me, it's Lawrence Taylor. I've been here for three of L.T.'s visits. He's always great. The weirdest and most interesting thing happened the first time L.T. came in. The interview went great. He's always a funny, honest interview. So during a commercial he got on the cell phone and tells Howard: 'Hey, my friend wants to talk to you.' He hands the phone to Howard and doesn't tell him who it is. It took Howard a few moments to realize it was O.J. Simpson.
"L.T. had called him on the golf course and I heard O.J. talking a mile a minute. He was yelling at Howard, saying 'I'm coming for you next, Howard. You're f---ing with me. I'm coming for you next.' Almost goofing on him. That's what I heard, though Howard never told me what he said. L.T. saw Howard squirming and was laughing."
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