Dennis Leary, he of the obnoxious, overwrought hair, is not ordinarily someone with whom The Corsair generally traffics (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). And yet his abrasive hit tv show "Rescue Me" -- which we did not initially want to like -- is one of our most religiously TiVo'd shows. Dammit. Leary, against our better wishes, has created (with writing partner Peter Tollan) the perfect, edgy blue-collar worker television show for FX, damn it. He has.
And now he is saying something completely dead-on about Renee Zellweger. Totally adorable woman, she -- but wholly without sex appeal. Just saying. From Vanity Fair:
"VF: My favorite quips include 'I’m here to explain that we need to take Rush Limbaugh’s head and make a bong out of it' and 'Most heterosexual men do not find Renée Zellweger attractive.'
"Leary: It’s true. Nice girl, and I have met Renée. She is the kind of girl who bakes really good muffins, you go out to dinner with her, but that’s it."
UPDATE: As LittleJudy notes in the comments, RZ has never pushed herself as the beer-and-babe type.
well it's not like she's had a shot at a femme fatale role...of course maybe that's >why< she's never had any femme fatale roles..
as for leary...he totally deserves a lead actor emmy for playing Tommy Gavin.
True, Little Judy: It's not as if RZ has been on the cover of Maxim in a bikini. She has been more the romantic comedy heroine, which is geared more towards women than men.
And just how attractive does Leary think he is to heterosexual women? Yuck.
Wow. Just read this. Never blog on a Saturday morning hung over from the night before, it really affects editorial judgement. Apologies to whomever is offended by this -- not my best -- post,
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