(image via signonsandiego)
Tonight's Vice Presidential debate is probably not going to be quite as exciting as everyone is making it out to be. Certainly it will achieve record ratings, which is good for our democracy. But the event at Washington University is severely limited by the negotiated format. from Slate:
"Negotiations between the McCain and Obama campaigns resulted in a 90-minute format that calls for the two candidates to stand at podiums and field questions in turn from moderator Ifill. Answers may not exceed 90 seconds, and two minutes of open discussion will follow each question. Each candidate will give a 90-second closing statement."
Such a format benefits Governor Palin because it doesn't allow for any stretch of time for Biden to grill her. And, to a degree, is also benefits Biden, who has "Senate mouth," and tends -- because the Senate has no time limits on speaking -- to run on and on and on (and commit gaffes). Expect Palin to be loaded with soundbytes and one-liners.
Gwen Ifill will probably begin the debate disclosing her book on African-American politics. Because so many eyes in the conservative blogosphere are on her, it is not inconceivable that she may rescue Governor Palin should the moment arise that she needs some help. Considering the tightness of the schedule, however, there will probably be very little time for Palin and Biden to mix things up.
Politico is reporting that Governor Palin will go on the attack. Those attacks, more likely than not, will involve aggressive appeals to women and the conservative base as well as the parsing of Biden's Senate voting record (put together, no doubt, by able Republican operatives behind-the-scenes). There will be zingers. Expect Palin to bring up Biden's remark that Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice (To which Biden should respond that the Senator from New York is endorsing Obama). Palin will also skillfully retreat, when necessary, in "main street," and "small town America" whenever Biden takes the high-faluting road, pronouncing foreign countries and name-dropping obscure Supreme Court cases that the governor has no idea about.
Expect the following:
Palin: "Senator Biden thinks it is patriotic to pay more taxes, I think that's the kind of liberal elitism that is hindering the growth of this great country."
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