(image via wsj)
James Fallows, of The Atlantic, makes a solid point about what Governor Palin's blank stare on the subject of "The Bush Doctrine" says about her readiness to be, quite literally, one heartbeat away from the Presidency. The again he uses Logic, to which the Evangelicals are immune. From Fallows:
"Each of us has areas we care about, and areas we don't. If we are interested in a topic, we follow its development over the years. And because we have followed its development, we're able to talk and think about it in a "rounded" way. We can say: Most people think X, but I really think Y. Or: most people used to think P, but now they think Q. Or: the point most people miss is Z. Or: the question I'd really like to hear answered is A.
"Here's the most obvious example in daily life: Sports Talk radio.
"Mention a name or theme -- Brett Favre, the Patriots under Belichick, Lance Armstrong's comeback, Venus and Serena -- and anyone who cares about sports can have a very sophisticated discussion about the ins and outs and myth and realities and arguments and rebuttals.
"People who don't like sports can't do that. It's not so much that they can't identify the names -- they've heard of Armstrong -- but they've never bothered to follow the flow of debate. I like sports -- and politics and tech and other topics -- so I like joining these debates. On a wide range of other topics -- fashion, antique furniture, the world of restaurants and fine dining, or (blush) opera -- I have not been interested enough to learn anything I can add to the discussion. So I embarrass myself if I have to express a view.
"What Sarah Palin revealed is that she has not been interested enough in world affairs to become minimally conversant with the issues."
More here.
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