New Yorkers are a jaded lot. And Fame is relative. We take our celebrities in stride in the big city. A few weeks ago we ran into Tatum O'Neal, sans crackrock. Meh. No biggie. Didn't even crack -- no pun intended -- a smile. Still, being a jaded New Yorker, Julianne Moore is something of a big thing. "Hannibal," "Magnolia," "Boogie Nights" -- those are is something of a big deal, no? That's why we found it interesting that she could perambulate unaccosted through Riverside Park. From Wonderland Magazine:
"She settles on Riverside Park. It’s a gorgeous day and there are plenty of people about, but no one bothers Moore or even seems to recognise her. 'I don’t think that I’m terribly famous,' she muses. 'My son doesn’t perceive me as being terribly famous. He thinks of Will Ferrell as being famous. Yes he sees people take my picture and ask for autographs, but it’s a pretty low-key thing in our life.'
"... Later, as we move to another picnic table, Moore is musing about what frightens her when a teenager tries – and spectacularly fails – to do a back flip on the grass in front of us. 'I have very little apprehension about doing things in a movie but I would never attempt a back flip like she just did!' she laughs uproariously."
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