(image via lookforward)
Democrat consultant Joe Trippi, who made his bones on the Howard Dean campaign, makes a solid point today on his blog that the media attention that is building critical mass around everything from McCain's gut instincts to the Alaska governor's competence have made Sarah Palin's acceptance speech every bit -- if not more -- anticipated as Barack Obama's speech an Invesco before nearly 80,000 people. It will be her biggest test; everyone wants to know how she will handle an uninterrupted platform to quell the rising doubts. As someone once said, there is no such thing as bad publicity. From JoeTrippi:
"It is precisely because no one knows much about the Governor from Alaska, including, apparently the McCain campaign, that the questions surrounding her candidacy are building intense interest in her convention speech which will now be viewed by a television audience in the tens of millions.
"With every question, with every controversy, the size of the audience likely to tune in Thursday to watch Governor Palin sink or swim in the treacherous waters of a full blown Presidential campaign grows.
"Governor Palin’s speech is likely, one way or another, to provide the most dramatic moment of either convention."
Will she sink or swim?
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