In: Gore Vidal. The Corsair has been a fan of that American Master, Gore Vidal and his syntactically elegant prose ever since first encountering his historical novel, 1876, in a used bookstore in Brattleboro, Vermont, roughly 16 years ago. 1876 led me to Vidal's provocative essays on The 12 Caesars, Calvino's Novels, and his Lowell Lecture. And, although The Corsair doesn't always agree with Vidal's politics, the man is always interesting. An uninteresting sentence authored by Gore Vidal is, quite frankly, inconceivable. The Sydney Morning Herald writes:
"Gore Vidal has never been the shy, retiring type. And he is as mad as hell, aiming his fury at a country he says has lied, cheated and stolen to get its way, writes Gerard Wright.
"The love of his life has gone, replaced by a black-and-white photo of a smiling man's face inside an ornate silver frame. The old, quiet, dark Spanish house in the hills above Hollywood smells of eggs at lunchtime.
"Gore Vidal sits quietly reading. He is 79, and has lived, fought and written through world wars, cold wars and red scares as an author, essayist and historian.
"He is back home, after 40 years of dividing his time between Italy and America, a semi-permanent resident of the place he calls the United States of Amnesia. He is not a sentimental man, Vidal once said in an interview, and that he is now in the sunset of his life has not diluted the acid in his pen, nor dulled the lash of his views."
And those views are here.

Above: Self-proclaimed "swinger" and alleged war criminal Henry Kissinger aggressively pursues a course of "diplomatic linkage."
Out: Henry Kissinger. Apparently -- and we're still a bit skeptical about this ourselves -- doctors have actually managed to locate a functioning heart within Henry Kissinger's torso, according to CNN:
"Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was reported 'resting comfortably' at home Thursday after an angioplasty procedure, a hospital and a spokeswoman for his office said. Neither would provide further details.
"'Dr. Henry Kissinger was admitted to New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center on Tuesday, March 29, and underwent an angioplasty procedure,' hospital spokeswoman Myrna Manners said in a statement. 'He was discharged earlier today and is resting comfortably at home.'"
Alas, so many East Timorese cannot, Hendry.
In: April Fools in the Blogosphere. A number of bloggers are getting in on the act. Celebrities are too. Some are elaborate, some are throwaways and some are quite funny. And some -- like The Corsair -- just can't be bothered by it all (If we did do something, we'd have to have planned it for weeks).
This one kind of surprised me for about a couple of seconds, before I caught myself, and realized what the actual date was. And this one was fucking brilliant. The Fashionweekdaily gang is inspired.
Anyway, happy April Fool's.
Out: Mr Mekas. This guy, Jonas Mekas, kind of creeps me the fuck out. He looks ... crafty:

*The Corsair shudders* This man looks like he could creep all up inside your dreams, and create all sorts of mayhem ... and havok. Anyway, apparently he's a good egg, according to David Patrick Columbia's NYSocialDiary:
"More than 600 film enthusiasts and art collectors mobbed the exhibition space at Maya Stendhal Gallery at 527 West 20th Street to celebrate the opening of Jonas Mekas: Fragments of Paradise, a landmark solo exhibition by the godfather of The New American Cinema, which on view until April 30. Maya Stendhal�s curation of the exhibition fused the pristine austerity of Chelsea minimalism with cinephile extravagance. It was the perfect environment for taking Mekas�s rhapsodic and witty film oeuvre.
"Meekas has been at the center of the New York avant-garde for four decades, and his range of friendships, from Jacqueline Kennedy and John Lennon and Yoko Ono, to Fluxus founder George Maciunas and video pioneer Nam June Paik, all figure prominently in his work."
He still freaks The Corsair out, though.
In: Wednesday Night's Reiss Opening. According to Fashionweekdaily:
"The British chain store, owned by designer David Reiss, finally opened its Yankee branch in Soho, bringing with it a breezy mix of editors, models, rockers, and plenty of London transplants.
" ... Two Vogue editors�super-pretty Meredith Melling-Burke and uber-trendy Stephanie Tran�stopped by to pay their respects. While Meredith wafted through the crowd in a sweet black blazer, Stephanie stuck side-by-side with Julia Topolski, who remained in her black-and-white trench coat throughout the evening.
"As the ubiquitous Carlos D manned the DJ booth, various blondes shot various glances in his direction, shoving each other out of the way with their large shoulder totes, and leading The Daily to wonder if Interpol is the only band in the city whose groupies tote Goyard bags to their gigs."
Two Vogue editors in attendance, you say.

Out: Heavy D. Maybe The Corsair is just hating here, but do you remember that guy who used to sing that 80s song, "Girls they girls they love me," while wearing loud colors? According to SfGate Dish:
"Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry turned heads recently when she was spotted out on a date with a new man -- rapper Heavy D.
"The beauty, who was romantically linked to actor Michael Ealy months after her marriage to Eric Benet ended, shocked diners at Los Angeles' Madeo on March 15 when she reportedly walked in holding hands with the slimmed-down star.
"An onlooker tells Us Weekly, 'They sat down at a cozy booth in a quiet corner and had dinner and drinks. When they walked out, they held hands again.'
"A representative for Heavy D, real name Dwight Myers, insists, 'They're friends and have known each other for a while.'"
And you know what Biz Markie says about friends.
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