(image via allposters)
The Observer's Ron Rosenbaum is positively rhapsodic about the upcoming BBC documentary on Bob Marley when he writes:
"That we are at the dawn of a new mode of thinking�or the return of an older one�came to me, as these things sometimes do, from contemplation of a single surprisingly revelatory mistake. Actually, to quote the Elvis Costello title, it was a 'Brilliant Mistake.' A mistake chronicled in a single paragraph in the Post�s Page Six on April 3, about a seemingly ridiculous error made by the BBC.
"It seems the BBC is making a documentary about a single song, Bob Marley�s beautiful 'No Woman, No Cry.' And one that deserves it. I�ll have more to say about 'No Woman, No Cry' and its singular, initially mistaken meaning in my life.
"But what made it unusual, what made it an item for Page Six, was that the BBC apparently called the Bob Marley Foundation and asked for an interview�with Bob Marley (d. 1981).
"It was a mistake, yes�but you could say that it was a beautiful mistake, a mistake that could be interpreted to say, by those of us who love Bob Marley, that Bob Marley lives."
Catch a fire! Keep it in your pants Ron Rosenbaum! And while we know he exhibited vast seductive powers on the media when he was alive (right Anna Wintour?), the Rastaman is now far beyond carnal concerns, no matter how "edgy," or "enthusiastically" they are proffered forth.
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