Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Republican Debate Drinking Game

(image via funideas)

Another debate, another excuse to cover up that binge drinking with the patina of political action. The 10 candidates in search of Reagan do their thing tonight. Some rules for the evening's festivities:

Take One Sip If ..

--Ronald Reagan is shamelessly referenced

--The word "Leadership" is used (Especially by Giuliani).

--Congressman Ron Paul says something wacky.

--A candidate mentions that Nancy Reagan is in the audience for the effect of cheap applause.

Take One Shot ...

--If Arizona Senator John McCain is aggressively or obnoxiously tanned.

--Every time the camera pans to California Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

--Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback mentions his hero, William Wilberforce.

-- The uber-smooth Mitt Romney gives off a particularly creepy vice.

--"We've got to give General Petraeus a chance" or somesuch derivative is spoken.


--Tom Tancredo mentions illegal immigration.

--If Rudy Giuliani, whose foreign policy experience extends only to the doors of The Russian tea Room (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment), mentions how he's like to "pull the switch" on Osama Bin Ladin once he's caught.

--"Government spending out of control" or somesuch derivative is mentioned.

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