Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Howard Stern Denied "Tour" of Iraq?

If Senator manque Al Franken is allowed to "entertain" -- has he ever entertained anyone? -- the troops in Iraq, then why not Howard Stern, who's bawdy sense of humor is more attuned to the jocularity of a GI? Apparently, Howard Stern tried to entertain the troops, or at least put out feelers. And he was turned down. From Marksfriggin:

"Howard read an e-mail he got from a guy over in Iraq who is very happy that he gets to hear the show over the internet. He said the guy goes on and on and on telling them that he's doing okay over there and that they're making his day great while he's serving there. Howard said that there was a time when he wanted to go over and visit the troops but he was denied, unofficially, but he was denied."

Granted, Stern was one of the biggest enemies of the war and the Bush Administration, but what is this all about? (Marksfriggin)

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