(image via observer)
The aftermath of Bob "Loser" Shrum's memoir continues in DC -- aka, "Hollywood for Ugly People" land -- as The Chattering Classes excavate it's arid pages in search of something juicy. But what juiciness can be wrung from the dirty, sweaty towel of a political wrestler with an abysmal 0-8 political record in the gladiatorial fundament in The Arena. From BenSmith:
"Here's Shrum on the public consideration of Bill Richardson for the Vice Presidency, something he has subsequently used as a credential:
"Richardson's prospects were shadowed by alleged womanizing. Publicly reluctant, he coveted the publicity of being considered, but withdrew before the process was finished."
That's hurtful. And, quite frankly, we really don't give a damn about Shrum's odd values-driven campaigns which, incidentally, froze out Bill Clinton from campaigning for Gore in 2000, where the former Vice President might have won Arkansas or Kentucky with the former President's help. Shrumbag.
Governor and former Ambassador Bill Richardson is the most goddam qualified man to run for President since John Quincy Adams, and would make a fine Vice -- no pun intended -- President, with Al Gore, running on a "Competence" ticket touting their combined years of public service as opposed to, say, a lukewarm McCain-Lieberman character-driven Republican pro-war campaign. The salmon-colored weekly on the Shrumbag:
"Mr. Shrum, who now teaches at New York University, has in the last two years become one of the favorite punching bags of frustrated Democrats. And reading his litany of accurate but self-serving explanations early on in the book’s (non-index) 494 pages, one can almost hear the seething contempt of the liberal netroots, among whom he is regarded as the preeminent symbol of the D.C. cocktail-party class of corporatized Democratic consultants who myopically equip their candidates with tired slogans, rehashed rhetoric and neutered messages: Of course the election was stolen from Gore in 2000. But he was only in position to have it stolen from him because of the lousy campaign he--and you!--ran! And any fool could have predicted that George W. Bush would exploit 9/11 in ’04. But why were you so afraid to rough him up at your convention, when the G.O.P. all but called Mr. Kerry a traitor at theirs?"
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