(image via iexplore)
The Corsair dragged himself from the labyrinthine Castle Mwangaguhunga to attend the NBC Bloggers Summit at 30 Rock. It was actually somewhat courageous for NBC News to put that much snarky ego in a single room and pitch for our greater participation in their newsgathering process. Tech reporter Sree Sreenivasan worked the room, interviewing, gathering thoughts.
It was nice to be courted in the Conan O'Brian Studio 6A, especially by nervous NBC execs. It offset The Corsair's natural shyness. From Modern Fabulosity: "I was surprised...the studio is not very big. And it's a bit dusty, but in a retro-charming way, like the living room of your Aunt Margaret."
We'll cosign on that sentiment. We sat next to Jen Chung of Gothamist, who drew quite a bit of camera attention (Jen gives good soundbyte). We finally got to meet the lovely Heather from Gawker, the stately Courtney Pulitzer, our old friend Cathy from CityRag, Amil Dash and -- it's about time -- Nichelle from Nichelle's newsletter briefly. Of course, The Corsair bolted as soon as the presentation ended, missing an opportunity to shmooze SNL Head Writer Seth Meyers. Goddam!
From Nichelle: "Afterwards, a few bloggers grabbed a drink at Channel 4 where coincidentally the writers from SNL were huddled at a table in the back. [Seth Meyers looks kinda hot in a frazzled head writer way]"
Still,it was a gutsy move by NBC.
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