(image via do-not-sleep)
Hey! Yo! Maria Bartiromo, she's a classy chick, Fuggedabouddit ( She don' take no guff. The Corsair dunks a biscotti in cappuccino)! Hey! Yo! According to those intrepid Page Sixxies:
"YEARS before she transformed herself into CNBC's 'Money Honey' and got caught up in the recent Citigroup jet-travel mess, Maria Bartiromo was a big-haired, boy-teasing, high-school honey who cheated on her squeeze and nearly caused a Brooklyn gang rumble.
"'Maria and I grew up in Dyker Heights. She was the girlfriend of Joey Maria, who ran with the 13th Avenue Boys, a group of toughs that hung on the corner of 13th and 78th,' a longtime Page Six source said.
"'Joey was a handsome, wiry thing, a very cool kid. Maria [a student at the Catholic all-girl Fontbonne Hall Academy on Shore Road] was a gorgeous thingy whose eyes melted all the guys' hearts.'
"Our source, a member of the rival '7th Avenue Boys,' said: 'Maria was always there on Joey's arm, all Jordache'd up in heels. She had a great bum, too, but even though she dressed like a hot chick . . . inside she was a real down-to-earth, intelligent sweetheart.'"
We'd seriosuly like to finish the story, we really would, but all of a sudden we are filled such the aching urge to sport a gelled-out ponytail, and to purchase beaucoup religious medals to go with our acid washed jeans and our souped up Camaro Iroc Z (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). So, Wanna go to Webster Hall this weekend, honey?
The full story here.
Reading this I immediately conjured up an image of Joan Cusack in Working Girl (Goil?).
I remember doing my time on CNBC when Maria was hott-hott (mid 90s). But I suppose long hours/early hours have finally caught up with her and lately she's been looking a little...oh...run down. But I shouldn't talk; one fleeting look in the mirror makes me wince and immediately I feel like emptying the contents of my stomach into the nearest available loo.
I totally get the Working Girl thing (How funny was this page Six item; one can almost hear Richard Johnson's laughter coming across the page). Nothing wrong with Maria working her way (cue: the Jefferson's "movin on Up") into the world of finance, i suppose, just so long as it doesn't involve jet-plane -riding improrieties. Which it did. Hence the spectacle and the media Bartiromarade.
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