(image via scienceblogs)
Like OMG! And we thought, in our political naivete, that Team Hillary had totally overreacted to Geffen's pro-Obama comments. Pshaw! We were so wrong! Thank God we have whoremongerer Dick Morris to give us a fair and balanced persepective on anything dealing with The Clintons. From TheHill Blog:
"Why is Hillary’s enforcer, Howard Wolfson, shooting Barack Obama in the kneecaps over David Geffen’s criticism of his candidate?
"Hillary and her boys realize that all that Obama has to sell is his purity. He’s like Evian Water. He has no particular taste, he just is the un-cola — the opposite of the vicious, destructive, partisan politics that pervades our country and turns off the voters."
Dick had us at " vicious, destructive, partisan politics" ... More here You might wan t to get some help with that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, pally. Cause Roger Ailes aint helping you.
I know, Morris should write a little about Hillary Clinton's toes. Then he would rteally be making progress on his obsessive compulsions, no?
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