Thursday, July 10, 2008

But McCain Doesn't Like Romney

(image via nationalpost)

In terms of political mathematics Senator John McCain's only solution is Mitt Romney. Sheer logic demands that pairing. On all counts Romney is McCain's perfect running mate. He is a political athlete who ran the most credible campaign against McCain -- especially in Michigan and the Midwest, which will be competitive in the Fall. He has the imprimatur of the conservative base. He is rich beyond all measure, which could help McCain's coffers against the Obama financial juggernaut. He has vast business experience, a weak spot for McCain, who has admitted to a thimble-deep knowledge of economics, which may turn out to be the biggest campaign issue of them all. And, finally, Romney projects youth and vigor and a legacy (plus he has some down-lowe connects with Rove and Jebby Bush, which doesn't hurt in Republican circles).

There is one problem, says the salmon-colored weekly. From The Observer:

"The case for Mitt Romney as John McCain’s running mate is strong and very easy to make.

"He’s well-known, popular with the party base, a strong performer on television, and would bring big bucks, vigor and youth (or at least the appearance of it – he is 61, after all) to a Republican ticket that desperately needs all three. Plus, Romney’s corporate background would offer badly needed cover to McCain on the economy, while his family name could boost the ticket in Michigan and his Mormon faith could help in Colorado and Nevada. Factor in the apparent lack of all-star V.P. options for McCain, and the former Massachusetts governor’s prospects only seem to brighten.

"But while there are about 646 small- and medium-size reasons why Romney would be a natural fit for the G.O.P. ticket, there’s one big reason not to bet on it happening: McCain doesn’t like him."

But -- and we duly accept that this is a profoundly cynical interpretation of Political Reality -- isn't politics at the Presidential level far removed from the lowlands of petty all-too-human factors such as "like" and "don't like" (The Corsair pours himself a "jammy" glass of Madeira)? Reagan thought Bush, 41 thoroughly unmanly. And yet they made, electorally, a perfect pair. Though personally they detested each other. Former Buffalo Congressman Jack Kemp once said of Bob Dole, acidly, "Bad news: Dole's library burned down; good news: both books were saved." And yet when the time -- 1996 -- came Dole picked Kemp as his running mate.

The Dole-Kemp analogy seems the most accurate to describe a possible McCain-Kemp ticket. they have many of the same dynamics: old-youth (or, if you will, "tested-fiery" and a similar moderate-base appeal. Of course, we all know how that Dole-Kemp narrative concluded ...

More here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forget Romney, net neutral at best.

McCain's gotta go for the gusto: Alaska Gov Sarah Palin!!!