So here we are on HuffPo's Fundrace, smoothing our head out, checking who gave what and to whom. As expected, there is a clear Democrat party favoring among the media-cultural personalities. Some interesting -- but not entirely unexpected -- political donations by some of the usual Chattering Class suspects:
Billionaire NY Daily News owner Mort Zuckerman gave $2,300 in Q4 2007 to "Friends of Mark Warner."
Novelist Jay McInerney, who was so affected by September 11th that he wrote a book of fiction on its effects, gave $2300 in Q3 2007 to Giuliani's Presidential bid.
In Q4 2007, Vera Wang gave $10,000 to The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Zac Posen gave $1000 to Senator Obama's camapign in Q2/2008.
Grammy producer of the year and Allido Records co-owner Mark Ronson donated $2,300 in Q1 2007.
Jocelyn Wildenstein -- who had her face surgically altered to be more "feline" please her husband, who liked exotic cats -- gave $4600 to Senator Clinton in Q1 2008.
In Q1 2008 Carl Icahn gave Rudy Giuliani's campaign $2300.
Glamour's Editrix Cindy Leive donated $500 to Senator Obama in Q2 2007, then donated $2,300 to Senatro Clinton in Q1 2008, when things got interesting.
James Goodale, the adorable, grandfatherly sometime host of "The Digital Age," gave $1,030 to Senator Obama in Q2 2008.
Harvey Weinstein, who may or may not be "on the ropes," gave $10,000 to the DNC Services Corporation/Democratic National Committee in Q1 2008.
Billionaire Ron Perelman gave $10,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in Q4 2007.
Seth Meyers -- hero of the WGA writer's strike -- donated $1,500 to Senator Obama in Q1 2008, and $2,300 in Q2.
Jann Wenner gave $5,450 to Obama (and $2,000 to Al Franken's Senate campaign)
All politics is local for the founder of modern American conservatism. The late William F. Buckley, Jr. gave more money to "The Christopher Shays For Congress Committee" -- $1,000 in Q2 2007 -- than to the Presidential campaign of Senator John McCain ($750 in Q4 2007).
(image via clipart)
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