There are bound to be culture clashes as we move towards 8/8/08 and the Beijing Olympics. The Corsair's own grandfather doesn't eat fish (It is considered an unclean animal in Tutsi culture). The preparation of man's best friend has historically been one of the points of contention between points East and West. Serving dog meat, for example, was banned in Seoul for the 1998 Olympics (however, says KPOJ, the order was largely ignored). A similar law has been put on the books in Beijing. If you want to gnaw on the stringy texture of a goddam Samoyed, well, you'll have to go to parts other than China, for a few weeks, at least. From the LATimes:
"Since May, restaurants have been required to have no-smoking sections, and this month Beijing's food safety administration ordered restaurants to remove dog meat from their menus lest it offend Western sensibilities."
(Spoken in the sound of a dog's bark:)Rough!
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