(image via momn.edu)
In this edition, Dinesh D'Souza gets spanked on his carmel-brown heinie. Wingnut Bitchboy Dinesh D'Souza (also known in policy circles as "Distort D'Truth-a", whose entire working life has been spent -- like the always fetid Charles Murray -- manufacturing arguments defending the more extreme positions of the conservative movement, facts be damned!, is not receiving rave reviews for his latest construct.
Whereas the loathesome Charles Murray has dedicated his life sucking at the think-tank teat to "proving" the despicable premise that African-Americans are intellectually inferior (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment), our boy Dinesh is more waxes catastrophic on a variety of issues.
But this time he may have met his match. With the possible exception of a rather weak defense by William F. Buckley in the letters section of the New York Times Book Review this Sunday past, both Left and Right have been unanimous in condemning D'Souza as the unmitigated douchebag we have alway thought him to be. From Dakota Fanning's favorite reviewer, Michiko Kakutani on the Left:
"Whereas 'Illiberal Education,' the book that made Mr. D’Souza a conservative star back in 1991, had some illuminating points to make about the excesses of political correctness on college campuses, this embarrassing volume is an out-and-out partisan screed made up of illogical arguments, distorted and cherry-picked information, ridiculous generalizations and nutty asides. It’s a nasty stewpot of intellectually untenable premises and irresponsible speculation that frequently reads like a 'Saturday Night Live' parody of the crackpot right. It gives conservatism a bad name while viciously throwing oil on the partisan fires already burning in red state, blue state America.
"... In this shrill, slipshod book, Mr. D’Souza often sounds as if he has a lot in common with those radical Middle Eastern mullahs who are eager to subject daily life to religious strictures and want to curtail individuals’ freedoms and civil liberties."
Dinesh! You got some 'splainin to do! And from the far-right quadrant that is Antiwar.com:
"D'Souza's qualifications for commenting on the causes of 9/11 are suspect. D'Souza's biography on the Hoover Institution's Web site indicates no scholarship on fundamentalist Islam. In fact, D'Souza's biography indicates no expertise on terrorism, foreign affairs, or national security policy. His Hoover Institution biography lists his expertise as follows: 'Social and individual responsibility, civil rights and affirmative action, economics and society, higher education.' All previous books he has authored are on domestic subjects, and he was a senior domestic policy analyst at the White House during the Reagan administration. Academically, he earned a B.A. in English. After 9/11, everyone wants to be a foreign policy expert."
Now if only we could all come together -- Left and Right -- to do the same to Charles Murray.
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