Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Imagine: There's No Brain Freeze

God bless Ben & Jerry's, the most idealistic ice cream deliciousness ever. Delish notwithstanding, it is also a brilliant marketing scheme: caloric offsets! Ostensibly, those high carbs are being sweetly suffered -- in the quiet of ones own yum -- as an instrument in the reduction of geopolitical bad vibe emissions. From Newsday:

"Dairy delight maker Ben & Jerry's and The Lennon Estate are expected to introduce a new ice cream flavor Tuesday called 'Imagine Whirled Peace' -- while re-enacting the 'Peace Bed-Ins' staged by John Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1969.

"...Actress Maggie Gyllenhaal and Ben & Jerry's co-founder Jerry Greenfield are expected to reprise the roles. Efforts for spreading world peace and ice cream will most likely be announced.

"The new flavor is a caramel and sweet cream whirl of chocolate-covered peace signs and toffee pieces."

A credible plan for multilateral nuclear disarmament, to be sure, what with those robust chunks of gourmet toffee and savory frozen cream.

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