Saturday, December 30, 2006

Third Annual The Corsair 2006 Year End Pirate Awards, Part IV


(image via piratehaus)

He's got a golden ticket ... (image via myspace/jennajameson)

The Golden Touch Pirate Goes to ... Jenna Jameson. According to the Old Gray Lady, the porn star goes out with Tito Ortiz, the ambassador of Ultimate Fighting, which has, of late, garnered good press from "60 Minutes" as well as the venerable Times. Everything Jenna Jameson -- whose MySpace page has astronomical hits -- touches appears to turn to gold. She has, Pun Intended, a "Golden Touch" (One, incidentally, that Jenny McCarthy knows intimately about -- wink, wink).

1 comment:

카지노사이트 said...

Je vous remercie pour cet article et j'ai hâte d'en lire d'autres. Fantastique.