We know his gut is Golden (Eew), and his balls made of brass, but the evening News is not prime time television, Les Moonves. It is a different kettle of fish altogether. Joe Hagan's longwinded -- some might call it "gassy" -- profile of Katie Couric left us with the impression that Dark Lord of the Empyrean, Les Moonves, might have oversold Katie to the American public in the run-up to her taking over CBS anchoring duties. From NewYork:
"... (T)here is no shortage of people (many of them inside CBS News) who believe that Moonves unintentionally laid the groundwork for her downfall with the excessive buildup.
"On this question, Couric is careful but clear. 'Um, I think he, you know, probably could have been told, ‘Easy, Les, don’t overpromise,' she says. 'But he was excited and enthusiastic and he saw this as an opportunity to push the envelope.' Couric says she was advised by at least one friend to downplay her arrival. 'I remember Barry Diller saying, 'Just be very low-key about it,' she says. 'And if I had my druthers, would I have not been on every bus in New York? Especially the ones that almost ran me over, which would be the ultimate modern-day O. Henry story? Yeah.'
"Moonves, a TV executive with a barrel-chested confidence in his gut for good TV, says he bears no responsibility for how the show has failed: 'Nope. I really don’t.'"
You do your thing, Les Moonves, you .. do your ... whatevs. (NewYork)
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