Friday, November 07, 2003

Asian Babies Take Over Upper West Side

An interesting social phenomenon has turned up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Seemingly overnight, scores of WASPy and Jewish Baby Boomer couples have taken to adopting Asian babies, often girls a la Faith Popcorn. What is this all about? Could someone email me some answers?

A friend told me he thought it might be liberal couples adopting Chinese girl babies to save them from the totalitarian regimes abortion politics. Interesting, but I don't think that is right. Whatever the case, a casual stroll between 59th and 96th street and you'll see many Asian babies with white couples or their black nannies.

Sometimes in NY you can actually see the Jamaican nanny (UpperWest Siders favor Jamaican nannies while Upper East Siders favor European nannies who often have secret affairs with ... oh never mind) pushing a Japanese baby adopted by a Jewish couple. Only in New York, kiddies, only in New York.

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