Get ready for Bob Woodward's "The War Within." The first printing is an astonishing 900,000 scheduled copies (Do that many English-language speaking people read books anymore?)! As usual, excerpts from the book will be published at Woodward's home base The Washington Post the day before it goes on sale (September 7th). Also on September 7 Woodward will appear on "60 Minutes." From Politico:
"Publishing sources say the book, completed just three weeks ago and out Sept. 8, is titled 'The War Within: A Secret White House History 2006-2008.”'
"The book's revelations are likely to propel a re-examination of the Iraq war into the headlines just as the fall presidential campaign is taking off.
"Woodward has had remarkable cooperation from all levels of the Bush administration, with National Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley encouraging top officials to participate.
"Administration officials tell Politico that Woodward spent two mornings with President Bush and interviewed Vice President Cheney, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and a host of other senior officials.
"Woodward has regularly visited the White House, State Department, Pentagon, various intelligence agencies and the private homes of generals and other officials, high and low.
"The Washington Post, where Woodward is an associate editor, will print juicy excerpts the day before the book’s publication."
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