(image via flickr)
Today the Old Gray Lady tackles the first anniversary of an uncensored Howard Stern unfettered by the schoolmarmish sensibilities of Michael Powell. One year later, Stern has introduced us to the Sybian sex machine ("insertion" device sold separately --Eew), an astonishing conversation about "eating ass" with 50 Cent (Yes, he has, in the past; and Robin has too), and the revelation of Artie Lang's heroin addiction. But what are the limits of Sternliness? Death? Says the Old Gray Lady:
"Still, however obvious Mr. Stern’s enthusiasm, his argument prompts an immediate question: Having mined so much of his humor in the past from his frustration at butting up against seemingly insurmountable boundaries (variously thrown up by the F.C.C., and, before that, his wife, Alison, from whom he is now divorced), can he be as entertaining when no one is telling him that anything is off limits?
"... Pressed for an example, he recalled a regular staff meeting on a recent Thursday in which one cast member had made the following request: that Mr. Stern, as both the microphones and cameras rolled, knock him out with chloroform, strip him naked and replace his clothes.
“I said, ‘I’m not sure chloroform is legal,’ Mr. Stern recalled saying. ‘I don’t know if it kills you.’ I said, ‘Wait a second, I’m not going there.’"
Oh come on Howard, that which does not kill you makes you stronger.
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