(image via theage)
The Murdoch dynasty extends itself further into the digital realm. Fox Interactive Media may be in talks to buy Strategic Data Corps, which would then ostensibly become an in-house ad agency. According to Om Malik (link via paidcontent):
"Fox Interactive Media, after a period of relative quiet, is getting acquisitive again. The company is said to be in talks to acquire Strategic Data Corp., a company based in Santa Monica, California, that helps online publishers optimize their online advertising yields.
"Talks are at an advanced stage, though no deal has been finalized. Fox routinely talks with various start-ups with an eye on possible acquisition or an investment. Fox Interactive spokesperson declined to comment.
"If the deal does close, then it would be the second deal by News Corp.,-Fox Interactive this year. Earlier today1, News Corp., took a 10 percent stake in a company called Roo Group; a fact that apparently wasn’t2 known to the FIM Group, up until this morning, when the Wall Street Journal reported the story."
In other news from the House of Murdoch, from Medialifemagazine:
"In the UK, Rupert Murdoch is a major newspaper and satellite operator but not particularly big in magazines, but certain things are afoot in that department. Amid talk that Murdoch aspires to launch a newsweekly, his magazine division is going through what appears to be a change of direction. One title, a niche decorator title, Inside Out, is being closed after less than a year, and that follows by weeks word that another women's title still in the planning stages--code name Project Dannii--was getting chopped."
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