(image via pantherfilmfest)
In: Danny Glover. Danny Glover's performance in "The Color Purple" was so fucking brilliant, so over-the-top, that The Corsair and his sister like to shoot each other random lines, emoting with just the right flavor of Glover. He's like Brando in that film, he's so good. The lo ultimo moment is when Glover runs at Whoopi Goldberg after she decides to leave with Shug Avery. Glover's "Albert" breaks into a brisk, menacing jog and is clearly en route to do some grievous bodily harm to Goldberg. To which Whoopi's Seely responds, quietly, by meaningfully pointing out two "juju" fingers -- like a Haitian conjure woman -- thus stopping the scenery-eating Glover dead in his tracks, saying, calmly, "I curse you. Until you do right by me, everything you touch will crumble ..."
(A considerable pause) Deep. But we digress. Glover is on board at DreamGirls, Brad Grey's big budget I-Fucking-Love-You to David Geffen. According to Cinematical:
"As part of their quest to line up every semi-big name black actor on earth for the production of The Supremes Totally Rule Dreamgirls, DreamWorks has added Danny Glover to the cast. Glover, who is probably very relieved to have been cast in a movie without Mel Gibson that people will actually see, joins Eddie Murphy and Jamie Foxx as the men who will get the hang out with Beyonc�/Diana Ross. He'll play Marty Madison, the manager of Murphy's character, 'womanizing R&B star James 'Thunder' Early.'"
If we hear Jamie Foxx sing one more time ...
(image via internet-general)
Out: Judith Miller. She's got a spiffy new Gawker area. She likes chamber music. She got a standing ovation on the hill. But the cadaverous Washpo editor Ben Bradlee isn't buying any of that hype of Our Miss Helmet Hair. Humbug. According to Jeff Bercovici of WWD (link via Poynter):
"Among the many gray heads at Mike Wallace's book party was that of legendary Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee. What did the man whose reporters trusted him with the identity of Deep Throat think of Judith Miller's situation vis-�-vis her New York Times colleagues? 'Well, it helps if your source is right,' he said. 'It really does help a lot. And she had a whole bunch of sources that were wrong � really wrong. So she's behind the eight ball to start.' And what should the paper do to set things right? 'I don't want to go there. I would have a plan to get out of that jam. They haven't got it yet.'"
... That's what Sally Quinn said. (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment)
Alec Baldwin and Sigourney Weaver. (image via NYSocialDiary)
In: The Central Park Conservancy's Halloween Ball. Sorcery would explain why Sigourney Weaver looks so timeless. (The Corsair swoons, briefly) According to our favorite social chronicler, David Patrick Columbia in NYSocialDiary:
"... we moved on to the Central Park Conservancy�s 10th annual Halloween Ball, held in their 'haunted castle' (a tent erected across the road from the Bethesda Steps � mid-Park at 72nd Street). Chaired by Monica Gerard-Sharp and Suzanne Cochran, it was a 'hauntingly' (gawd that word is everywhere tonight) magical evening of cocktails, dinner, and dancing to benefit the Conservancy.
"More than 600 guests turned up. Laurence Craig Catering fed the ghoulish, the foolish and the famished. Matthew David provided the 'hauntingly magic castle.' The celebrity judges of the best costumes were: Alec Baldwin, dressed like a British barrister, Sigourney Weaver dressed as a sorceress, Frederic Fekkai turned out with a touch of Zorro, Felicia Taylor (I didn�t see her get-up but I�m having lunch with her today, so I�ll get the rundown) Nicole Miller (also didn�t see � I don�t think) and WABC�s Sam Champion was emcee."
We could say something positively citric about the ghoulish irony of Alec Baldwin, who is going through one of the more contentious celebrity custody battles in recent memory, donning the garb of a .. judge, but -- we shalln't. (Averted Gaze)
The amazing, cohesive properties of plastic on exhibit. (image via zap2it.com/Richard C. Soria)
Out: Nicollette Sheridan and Nicklas Soderblom. We don't know why we are so obsessed with Nicollette Sheridan's love life. We just are. For it containeth multitudes of pure chewing satisfaction. In fact, we believe every heterosexual man in Hollywood is connected by "the sex degrees of Nicolette Sheridan." (tm)
We first became fascinated by her relationship with Nicklas Soderblom when rumors surfaced that they met when she saved him from an impending shark attack. We have it on good authority that the shark backed down on the grounds of "professional courtesy." (Averted Gaze)According to Rush and Molloy:
"Nicollette Sheridan and actor Nicklas Soderblom have called off their engagement. A few days ago, the 'Desperate Housewives' star laughed off rumors that she and her fianc� were calling it quits. Yesterday, Sheridan's rep confirmed to People it's over."
(image via ktusfm)
In: The Ed Bradley-Howard Stern Interview. We can't tell you how much we are looking forward to Ed Bradley interviewing Howard Stern on an upcoming "60 Minutes," and the possibility of Howard breaking down and crying on the streets of Roosevelt, Long Island, the black neighborhood where he grew up. From Marksfriggin:
"Howard said he's tied up with 60 Minutes until about 6pm tonight and then next Monday for the whole show. Ed Bradley will be in on Monday to do his thing and to talk to the rest of the crew after the radio show. Robin had no idea that was happening so Howard told her it was supposed to be an impromptu interview. He's supposed to go to Roosevelt with the crew to visit his old neighborhood and he's afraid that he's going to break down and cry. He will be walking the streets with Ed Bradley though so maybe they won't be mugged. That led to the guys talking about Ed Bradley who some people think is gay. Howard said he found out the guy is straight and has a hot wife. They spent a minute on that and then talked more about the upcoming interview. "
Who thinks Ed Bradley is gay? Okay: the earring in the 90s, questionable judgement; the uncompromising love of Jazz, perhaps. More:
"He's going to let the guys at 60 Minutes walk him through the interview and not try to control it the way he usually would. He is afraid that taking him through Roosevelt might make him emotional. He said that when (The pre-interviewer Ruth) suggested doing that, he said he had a strange feeling shoot through him. He remembers how bad things were out there and what it was like growing up there so it could bring back some bad memories when they visit. He really doesn't want to cry on TV... ever. Robin and Artie said that would be funny if that happened."
We're so there.
(image via columbiajournalism)
Out: Jann Wenner, Interior Designer. It takes a unique aesthetic consciousness to know just what goes where a propos of decor. Ask Frank Gehry's padawan Brad Pitt. Wenner Media Hobbit Jann Wenner, it appears, has that special "it." (The Corsair pours himself a dry sherry) Or, maybe he's just a Baby Boomer control freak who, unfortunately, turned out just like the cats he used to rebel against. (Averted Gaze) According to Lowdown:
"Magazine mogul Jann Wenner's scary inspection tours of his employees' offices are notorious. So it's no surprise that folks are blaming Wenner for the now-you-see-it, now-you-don't sofa in the office of Rolling Stone assistant managing editor Jason Fine. According to Wenner Media lore, the proprietor recently peered inside Fine's office, saw his ratty green couch and ordered it removed. Days later, the story goes, Wenner didn't like Fine's uncomfortably couchless decor and demanded that the thing be immediately restored. But then Wenner allegedly reversed course again, and had the couch taken away for good.
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