(image via mylovehewitt)
Kim Hastreiter, our favorite Scorpio godmother of downtown chic, knows how to tell a story. Her wonderful column in this month's nightlife issue of Paper on becoming a dog owner ("Romeo" Hatreiter has even been in Page Six and Rush and Molloy; can one be jealous of a mutt?) is heartwarming.
Kim went to Debbie Mazar's baby shower. The outer borough accents were in full-effect when Aida Turturro, Debbie Mazar, Victoria Gotti get together. This, from the Papermag blog:
"Went to a really fun baby shower last night for my old friend Debi Mazar, the actress you may know as the hot looking dirty tawking PR bitch from HBO's Entourage. Deb, who lives in LA, was in town for a few days and her old friend Robert decided to throw her a little get-together at another old friend (yeah, we're all old, huh?), the art director Marc Balet's drop dead Broadway loft.
"Now I didnt know this guy Robert, but when he called to invite me last week, his campy heavily New Yawk accented voice sounded SO familiar. The second I arrived I was like AHA when I saw him. Turns out he's that hilarious guy who's Victoria's gay sidekick on the Growing up Gotti reality show. He's been friends with Mazar for years. Between Debi and Robert's hardcore outer borough accents, their conversations are semi-hilarious.
"Speaking of cartoon accents, Debi and Robert weren't the only ones with that special New Yawk twang. Vict-aww--reea (gotti) arrived all dressed in white and caused the biggest 'gift' stir as she plopped a huge Hermes shopping bagged prezzie for Deb in the booty pile. (It was a baby blanket). Her look is beyond. That hair. Oy."
More, including a Drea de Niro sighting. (Papermag)
what is her friend Robert's last name? Is he / was he an actor?
I have been wondering about that myself.
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