(image via madnews)
"Celebrity big brother favourite Verne Troyer today confided that he wants to leave the house. The Mini-Me actor told rapper Coolio he'd had enough as they stayed up talking until the early hours. But Coolio tried to dissuade him, saying if he leaves he won't get paid. The pair tried to keep their conversation quiet by covering up their microphones but it was still audible. Troyer said: 'I don't give a s**t right now. I've found a route. I just need your help.' Coolio replied: 'You can't go man, if you walk out you don't get paid. I know why I came in, I came for the money.' troyer then admitted: 'Me too.' Coolio reminded him that he was getting paid 'in pounds,' which are worth more than dollars." (Thisislondon)
"'While they blame the government and Wall Street directly for the situation, many millionaires are not happy with their advisers’ performance,' Catherine McBreen, a managing director for Spectrum, said in the statement. U.S. millionaires lost an average 30 percent of their assets last year, with 17 percent of respondents saying their assets declined by 40 percent or more, Spectrem said. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index dropped 38 percent last year, its worst since 1937, and global stock markets surrendered $28.7 trillion of their value, or 47 percent. Those polled believe the crisis will last another 22 months, and 55 percent said they worry they won’t have enough assets to maintain their lifestyles, Spectrem said." (Bloomberg)

"Milk, Slumdog Millionaire and Happy-Go-Lucky swept the 2008 New York Film Critics Circle Awards last night at Strata, but it was the completely gorgeous star of Vicki Christina Barcelona, Penelope Cruz, that had everyone salivating. Even the presence of the semi-cordial actor's actor Sean Penn (his usual tolerance of press being zero) did little to diminish Ms. Cruz's strangle hold on the room! We did however get to ask Sean Penn if he was entertaining the thought of doing a mustachioed 'Got Milk?' commercial, to which he gave us the best ever eye contact. From him, that's major! It was such a fun evening for us, as we were blessed with a great spot on the red carpet, despite the fact that the E! videographer standing in back of us merrily swung his huge cam into our head about 11 times. At one point as we staggered a bit from a blow, Marica Gay Harden stopped her interview to ask if we were alright. 'Sure, it's all in fun,' we replied." (Papermag)
"If you were to give Nicolas Sarkozy the benefit of the doubt, you would say that one reason for his current diplomatic foray into the Middle East is his deeply held belief that the European Union needs strong, energetic, high-profile leadership to make its influence count in the world. If you were to take a more sceptical view, you would say that Sarkozy enjoyed running France’s six-month EU presidency so much that, when it came to an end on December 31, he simply couldn’t bring himself to move out of the spotlight. For the Czech Republic, which took over the EU presidency a week ago, the temptation to cough politely and say to Sarkozy, 'Excuse me, pal, it’s our turn now,' must be strong. After all, Sarkozy’s trip to the Middle East is likely to be interpreted in many parts of the world as a signal that the Czechs are not to be taken too seriously when it comes to negotiating and speaking on the EU’s behalf." (Blogs.FT.com)
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