That significant cultural artifact, those Chia seedlings ("Ch-ch-ch-chia"), are once again on the radar. There have been many products that have capitalized off the popularity of the 44th President of these United States. Ben & Jerry's "Yes Pecan," an adorable take on the Obama campaign slogan, is the best well-known. But how about the "ChiaObama," which, we are informed, "comes with a Chia Seed packet, enough for three plantings (Averted Gaze)." The Corsair reached out to the very patient Michael P. Hirsch of Joseph Enterprises, Inc. to explain the meaning of this:
The Corsair: "Hail to the Ch-Ch-Chief" -- who came up with that?
Michael P. Hirsch: I came up with the slogan: Hail to the Ch Ch Ch Chief. A fun play on words of our trademarked slogan, Ch Ch Ch Chia.
The Corsair: Charmed, I'm sure. How are they selling thus far?
Michael P. Hirsch: Our sales are starting out rather quickly and we've had many folks comment that they just love the idea of owning a fun, educational product that commemorates our President.
The Corsair: Do you think they diminish from the office of the President?
Michael P. Hirsch: We are very proud to offer our product in the likeness of our next President. We are big fans of President Obama and of course big fans of our products, the Chia Pet and Chia Heads. It's what we do. Our hope is that our Chia Obama brings a smile and some joy to many folks around the globe and it is not our intention at all to diminish the office of the President. Instead, we hope that children and adults alike would like to own a Chia Head that they can grow and keep in their homes. I know my own children enjoy the activity of growing a Chia Obama, which sparks interests and discussions about the Presidency.
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