Above: An overly excited Damon Dash emits a bitch-like squeal then promptly voids his bowels upon meeting Pam Anderson. (Radar)
Above: Why do multiple plastic surgeries conclude with the victim's decidedly feline countenance? The delicious evil of slaphappy Burt Reynolds.
Above: Voracious maneater Mary McFadden, tired of standard Jewish, Indian and Moroccan fare, now goes in for "Asian cuisine."
Re: Gwen. You mean just a Hollaback Girl, yea?
Also, I may be showing my curmudgeon-ness (is this even a word?) here but the aforementioned track sounds too similar to Malcolm McLaren's obscure "Buffalo Girls."
Could this be another "Ghostbusters vs. I Wanna New Drug" controversy? Nah.
I've always been of the belief that rock-pop is an endless continuum oof recycling. Ghostbustsers TOTALLY ripped off I Wanna New Drud. Shame on Ray Parker, Jr.
Whatever happened to:
1. Ray Parker Jr.
2. Dorian Harewood
3. Kadeem Hardison
Hmm. I'm think Ray Parker Jr is, like, doing the Catskills-type musical gigs. I remember seeing an ad somewhere, for, like, Westbury Music Fair (Averted Gaze). And Kadeem did Vampires of Brooklyn last I heard. I'll look into the it.
Ron, true about rock/pop. Even some of the modal jazz is starting to be criticised by the "new lions." Wynton has been speaking out against it for years. (paraphrasing) It's the same old shit: you have an intro, then everyone gets a solo, then an outro. Boring.
Jaysus...if modal jazz gets pinched for being too repetitive and lacking freshness and vision, we're in trouble.
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