Saturday, September 18, 2004

John Waters Smoked Crack

Granted, on any given day, The Corsair has some indordinate number of celebrity crack stories (no, not that celebrity crack, but this celebrity crack). I don't know why I'm so enamored of public figures sucking on the glass dick -- the whole visual is fascinating to me; the degradation of celebrity; The Corsair is lactose intolerant, quite frankly, and thus has never had the desire to touch the stuff.

But can you ever really get tired of hearing about the hoi polloi committing the unholiest of unholies? Down in the gutter, dripping with greasy cracksweat, some public figure -- somewhere -- is beaming up to Scotty.

From Giant Magazine, October/November 2004:

John Waters: "This friend of mine who's rather unsavory -- but I like him and he makes me laugh -- was over at my house. It was late and he was smoking a pipe and I said 'Oh, give me some of that pot of yours!' I took a big hit and it was crack. I thought, 'Oh my god! Am I going to be a drug addict? Am I going to rob my parents?' But I just felt numb."


Shaw Israel Izikson said...


My mother grew up with both John Waters and Glenn Milsted (aka Divine). John used to go over to my ma's house and make prank phone calls. And yes, John's done a lot worse stuff than crack . . . and thensome. So, it does get tiring to hear what (or whatever) John "I feed my stars poodleshit" does.

I'm just still pissed off that my mother was "visually represented" in Hairspray by friggin' Pia Zadora. Euugh. Of all the folks...

'Til Mac Culkin drips into da betty ford clinic...

Rasputin said...

For a moment there, I thought that I read that it was Roger Waters who was smoking crack. Of course, I immediately invisioned a follow up to "The Wall", called, "The Rock".

Anonymous said...

I myself envisioned an ass crack, I've smoked neither, that I remember.....mmmkay.